Guidance for risk assessment of FCMs

EFSA’s proposal for new exposure estimates and next steps explained during 2nd International Conference on Food & Beverage Packaging in Rome

Update: Siloxanes D4 and D5 to be restricted

ECHA’s Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis agrees to restrict siloxanes D4 and D5 in personal care products

Analyzing NIAS in paperboard FCMs

Scientists use effect directed analysis to detect and identify aryl hydrocarbon receptor-active substances potentially migrating from pizza box made of recycled paperboard

Long-term migration from polyester coating

Scientists analyze long-term migration from polyester can coating, find hydrolysis of oligomers after long storage; modification of testing protocols suggested

ECHA: Siloxanes D4 and D5 to be restricted

ECHA’s Committees for Risk Assessment and Socio-Economic Analysis decide to restrict siloxanes D4 and D5 in personal care products

EU FCM policy briefing

Non-profit organization HEAL publishes policy briefing on regulation of FCMs in the EU; prioritizes regulation of paper and board, varnishes and coatings, and printing inks; calls for ban of SVHCs and EDCs in food contact materials

PC-replacements: Genotoxicity of NIAS

Decision tree applied to investigate genotoxic potential of 48 migrates from ‘BPA-free’ baby bottles; more data needed for unequivocal classification

EFSA: Scientific opinion on FCMs

EFSA’s CEF Panel publishes scientific opinion on safety assessment of FCMs, including technical report on the public consultation; recommends migration testing of finished FCMs and revisiting consumer exposure as well as requirements for toxicity data

FCM press release: Health and Environment Alliance

Non-profit organization HEAL publishes press release on regulation of FCMs in the EU; highlights necessity of regulating all types of FCMs and prohibiting use of SVHCs and EDCs

FCM policy briefing: CHEM Trust

Non-profit organization CHEM Trust releases policy briefing on regulation of FCMs in the EU; recommends better integration with REACH and reduction of chemicals of concern