

December 11, 2024

51 plastic/rubber products and four microplastic types subjected to different extraction and leaching conditions, respectively; chemical composition changes with extraction method; leachate composition depends on salinity and temperature influence; extracts and leachates of similar chemical complexity
Reading time: 3 minutes

November 21, 2024

Scientists study migration of non-volatile chemicals from 16 reusable plastic bottles made of 12 different polymer types; high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), and silicones release highest number of chemicals; bottles have unique chemical fingerprint; call for comprehensive assessment for better consumer protection
Reading time: 2 minutes

July 8, 2024

Three recent studies explore the chemical safety of bio-based food contact materials (FCMs); current analytical methods fail to detect all hazardous substances in bio-based FCMs, in vitro bioassays are suitable addition; Dutch "eco-friendly" FCMs often contain non-biodegradable components and substances like pesticides and PFAS; migration of allergens found
Reading time: 4 minutes

June 24, 2024

A recent study explores the diversity of chemicals migrating from food contact articles into food simulants; 73% of extractable chemicals also migrated to food simulants; only 2% could be matched to currently known plastic chemicals; all migrates activated nuclear receptors, may disrupt metabolism or the endocrine system; migrates from PUR, PVC and LDPE contained more chemicals than other tested polymers and were more toxic
Reading time: 3 minutes

January 30, 2024

Study analyzes non-volatile compounds migrating from nine different printed and non-printed paper straws into soda; identifies 19 chemicals in concentrations up to 3.6 mg/kg soda; chemicals include suspected carcinogen and endocrine disruptors; findings suggest paper straws are not a safer alternative to plastic straws
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Reading time: 2 minutes

January 2, 2024

Scientists detect two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in plastic food storage bags; study assesses PFAS in 119 single-use food packaging and tableware samples from around the world and detectes PFAS in 54%; two reviews raise awareness of PFAS impact on human liver health and safety issues connected with the PFAS substitutes - polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters (PAPs); scientist calls for more research to assess combined environmental effect of microplastics and PFAS
Reading time: 7 minutes
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