

January 16, 2025

Consumer project Plasticlist analyzes hundreds of food and beverage samples from the California Bay Area for 18 plastic chemicals; finds plastic chemicals in 86% of samples; highly processed foods contain more plastic chemicals; questions whether regulatory limits adequately protect human health; calls for further research
Reading time: 3 minutes

October 7, 2024

Targeted and non-targeted analysis on reusable plastic drinking water finds diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) to migrate from 22 plastic bottle types after extensive dishwashing; detects hundreds of unidentifiable chemicals in food simulants; calls for more safety data on plastic chemicals and to ban DIBP in plastic products
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Reading time: 2 minutes

February 28, 2024

German biomonitoring study finds mono-n-hexyl phthalate in majority of samples, indicating widespread exposure to substance of very high concern (SVHC) di-n-hexyl phthalate or related compounds; sources of exposure currently under investigation; contribution of food contact materials to human exposure possible, but only limited data available
Reading time: 3 minutes

February 1, 2024

Researchers expand list of known substances with characteristics linked to breast cancer by more than four-fold; many are in standard consumer products, including 189 in food contact according to FPF’s database on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals (FCCmigex); authors call for improved hazard identification methods, advocate for more comprehensive chemical testing, especially focusing on the mammary gland and broader range of chemicals
Reading time: 4 minutes

January 22, 2024

Two studies analyzed ultra-processed foods for phthalates and microplastics; report that consumption of ultra-processed foods and fast food during pregnancy increases exposure to phthalates; link lower socioeconomic status to increased ultra-processed food consumption and phthalate exposure; find highly-processed protein products in the US to contain significantly more microplastics than minimally-processed products; hypothesize plastic processing equipment to be one main source
Reading time: 4 minutes
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