OECD survey: Public favors stronger regulation of harmful chemicals

Global survey carried out by the OECD asks public about attitudes towards chemicals; 75% aware of health risks posed by chemicals; 82% support stronger government interventions

FPF comments on proposed US ban of fluorinated plastics

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comments to the US Food and Drug Administration on the food additive petition to remove the authorization of fluorinated polyethylene in food contact materials

Regulatory challenges abound for hazardous chemicals in the EU

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) report outlines four key challenge areas concerning chemicals regulation in the EU; discusses protection against most harmful chemicals, particularly those inducing neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, endocrine disruption; underscores the need for data transparency and a “lack of comprehensive information on many substances”, particularly polymers

Japan preparing food contact material regulation for June 2025 enforcement deadline

Japan finalizes structure of positive list for synthetic polymer containing utensils, containers, and packaging for food contact; lists 21 approved polymer types and 827 approved additives; consultation on additional additives ongoing; positive list system must be fully implemented by manufacturers by June 2025

Scientists propose life-cycle-based criteria for polymers of concern

Scientists develop holistic conceptual framework to determine polymers of concern; criteria go beyond intrinsic properties and take life cycle considerations into account; packaging particularly problematic regarding environmental leakage; scientists are calling for swift action on polymers of concern despite some data gaps

China developing or updating many food safety standards in 2024

China’s National Health Commission publishes new standard for food contact adhesives, effective February 2025; also publishes food safety standards development plan for 2024 including three pertaining to food contact chemical migration; evaluation of food contact plastics recycling may also come this year

FPF comments on proposed amendments to EU regulations on food contact plastics

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) critiques the European Commission’s proposed amendments to regulations on food contact plastics; says suggested threshold for non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) lacks scientific evidence; supports enhanced specifications for migration testing

Japan updates food contact materials positive list

Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare publishes lists of polymers, additives, and monomers permitted for use in food contact; enforcement of updated list and use requirements set for June 1, 2025; Japanese industry organization publishes discussion paper on chemicals management for products in the circular economy

EU policymakers push to address PPWR sticking points during final negotiations

Looming March 4th deadline pressures EU institutions to find agreement on open points within the draft Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR); steering note from Belgian presidency calls for compromises, highlights key topics; stakeholders express concerns over draft regulation’s lightweighting of materials, requirement for closed loop recycling processes, and handling of chemical safety

Switzerland updates federal law on food contact materials and articles

Removes list of unevaluated substances used in packaging inks; updates positive lists of for packaging inks, plastics, and silicones; brings ceramic and glass regulations in alignment with EU