Dr. Lisa Zimmermann
Scientific Communication Officer
Lisa completed her MSc in biological science with a focus in ecotoxicology, molecular toxicology, and biochemistry at the University of Konstanz. After working as a project manager at Oro Verde – Tropical Forest Foundation in Germany and Guatemala, she did her PhD at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Here, her focus was on investigating the in vitro toxicity and composition of chemicals contained in and migrating from conventional plastic products and their bio-based as well as biodegradable alternatives. She also analyzed whether the plastic chemicals or the particle properties are the main driver for microplastic toxicity using a common freshwater organism. Her research was part of the PlastX project based at the Institute for Social-Ecological Research in Frankfurt am Main. The aim of this inter- and transdisciplinary project was to explore the role of plastics in our society and their impacts on the environment.