
Peer-reviewed papers

The following FPF publications underwent academic peer-review by experts in the field of food contact materials and human health. Independent and qualified reviewers were chosen by the editorial office of the scientific journal.

Peer-reviewed papers

Plastics matter in the food system

Yates, J., Deeney, M., Muncke, J., Carney Almroth, B., Dignac, M-F., Castillo, A.C., Courtene-Jones, W., Kadiyala, S., Kumar, E., Stoett, P., Wang, M., Farrelly, T.
2025, Communications Earth & Environment

Agriculture and food systems are major sources of plastic pollution but they are also vulnerable to their diverse lifecycle impacts. However, this problem is not well-recognized in global policy and scientific discourse, agendas, and monitoring of food systems. The United Nations-led Global Plastics Treaty, which has been under negotiation since 2022, is a critical opportunity to address pollution across the entire plastics lifecycle for more sustainable and resilient food systems. Here, we offer aspirational indicators for future monitoring of food systems’ plastics related to (1) plastic polymers and chemicals, (2) land use, (3) trade and waste, and (4) environmental and human health. We call for interdisciplinary research collaborations to continue improving and harmonising the evidence base necessary to track and trace plastics and plastic chemicals in food systems. We also highlight the need for collaboration across disciplines and sectors to tackle this urgent challenge for biodiversity, climate change, food security and nutrition, health and human rights at a whole systems level.

Peer-reviewed papers

A toxic relationship: ultra-processed foods & plastics

Yates, J., Kadiyala, S., Deeney, M., Carriedo, A., Gillespie, S., Heindel, J.J., Maffini, M.V., Martin, O., Monteiro, C.A., Scheringer, M., Touvier, M., Muncke, J.
2024, Globalization and Health

Among the crises engulfing the world is the symbiotic rise of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and plastics. Together, this co-dependent duo generates substantial profits for agri-food and petrochemical industries at high costs for people and planet. Cheap, lightweight and highly functional, plastics have ideal properties that enable business models to create demand for low-cost, mass-produced and hyper-palatable UPFs among populations worldwide, hungry, or not.

Evidence linking UPF consumption to deterioration in diet quality and higher risk of chronic diseases is well-established and growing rapidly. At the same time, the issue of plastic food contact chemicals (FCCs) is receiving increasing attention among the human health community, as is the generation and dispersion of micro- and nanoplastics.

In this commentary, we explore how the lifecycles and shared economic benefits of UPFs and plastics interact to co-produce a range of direct and indirect harms. We caution that the chemical dimension of these harms is underappreciated, with thousands of plastic FCCs known to migrate into foodstuffs. Some of these are hazardous and have been detected in humans and the broader environment, while many are yet to be adequately tested.

We question whether policies on both UPF and plastic chemicals are fit for purpose when production and consumption of these products is adding to the chronic chemical exposures that plausibly contribute to the increasing global burden of non-communicable diseases.

In the context of ongoing negotiations for a legally binding global treaty to end plastics pollution, and rapidly growing concern about the burgeoning share of UPFs in diets worldwide, we ask: What steps are needed to call time on this toxic relationship?

Peer-reviewed papers

Potential mammary carcinogens used in food contact articles: implications for policy, enforcement, and prevention

Parkinson L.V., Geueke B., Muncke J.
2024, Frontiers in Toxicology

Many nations have food contact material (FCM) legislation purporting to protect citizens from hazardous chemicals, often specifically by regulating genotoxic carcinogens. Despite such regulations, cancers that are associated with harmful chemical exposures are highly prevalent, especially breast cancer. Using the novel Key Characteristics of Toxicants framework, Kay et al. found 921 substances that are potential mammary carcinogens. By comparing Kay et al.‘s chemicals list with our own Database on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals (FCCmigex), we found that 189 (21%) of the potential mammary carcinogens have been measured in FCMs. When limiting these results to migration studies published in 2020–2022, 76 potential mammary carcinogens have been detected to migrate from FCMs sold in markets across the globe, under realistic conditions of use. This implies that chronic exposure of the entire population to potential mammary carcinogens from FCMs is the norm and highlights an important, but currently underappreciated opportunity for prevention. Reducing population-wide exposure to potential mammary carcinogens can be achieved by science-based policy amendments addressing the assessment and management of food contact chemicals.

Peer-reviewed papers

Evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals

Geueke B., Parkinson L.V., Groh K.J., Kassotis C.D., Maffini M.V., Martin O.V., Zimmermann L., Scheringer M., Muncke J.
2024, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology

Background: Over 1800 food contact chemicals (FCCs) are known to migrate from food contact articles used to store, process, package, and serve foodstuffs. Many of these FCCs have hazard properties of concern, and still others have never been tested for toxicity. Humans are known to be exposed to FCCs via foods, but the full extent of human exposure to all FCCs is unknown. To close this important knowledge gap, we conducted a systema􀆟c overview of FCCs that have been monitored and detected in human biomonitoring studies according to a previously published protocol. We first compared the more than 14,000 known FCCs to five biomonitoring programs and three metabolome/exposome databases. In a second step, we prioritized FCCs that have been frequently detected in food contact materials and systematically mapped the available evidence for their presence in humans. For 25% of the known FCCs (3601), we found evidence for their presence in humans. This includes 194 FCCs from human biomonitoring programs, with 80 of these having hazard properties of high concern. Of the 3528 FCCs included in metabolome/exposome databases, most are from the Blood Exposome Database. We found evidence for presence in humans for 63 of the 175 prioritized FCCs included in the systema􀆟c evidence map, and 59 of the prioritized FCCs lack hazard data. Notwithstanding that there are also other sources of exposure for many FCCs, these data will help to priori􀆟ze FCCs of concern by linking information on migration and biomonitoring. Our results on FCCs monitored in humans are available as an interactive dashboard (FCChumon) to enable policymakers, public health researchers, and food industry decision makers to make food contact materials and articles safer, reduce human exposure to hazardous FCCs and improve public health.

Peer-reviewed papers

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in food packaging: Migration, toxicity, and management strategies

Phelps, D.W., Parkinson, L.V., Boucher, J.M., Muncke, J., and Geueke, B.
2024, Environmental Science & Technology

PFASs are linked to serious health and environmental concerns. Among their widespread applications, PFASs are known to be used in food packaging and directly contribute to human exposure. However, information about PFASs in food packaging is scattered. Therefore, we systematically map the evidence on PFASs detected in migrates and extracts of food contact materials and provide an overview of available hazard and biomonitoring data. Based on the FCCmigex database, 68 PFASs have been identified in various food contact materials, including paper, plastic, and coated metal, by targeted and untargeted analyses. 87% of these PFASs belong to the perfluorocarboxylic acids and fluorotelomer-based compounds. Trends in chain length demonstrate that long-chain perfluoroalkyl acids continue to be found, despite years of global efforts to reduce the use of these substances. We utilized ToxPi to illustrate that hazard data are available for only 57% of the PFASs that have been detected in food packaging. For those PFASs for which toxicity testing has been performed, many adverse outcomes have been reported. The data and knowledge gaps presented here support international proposals to restrict PFASs as a group, including their use in food contact materials, to protect human and environmental health.

Peer-reviewed papers

A vision for safer food contact materials: Public health concerns as drivers for improved testing

Muncke, J., Andersson, A.M., Backhaus, T., Belcher, S.M., Boucher, J.M., Almroth, B.C., Collins, T.J., Geueke, B., Groh, K.J., Heindel, J.J., von Hippel, F.A., Legler, J., Maffini, M.V., Martin, O.V., Myers, J.P., Nadal, A., Nerin, C., Soto, A.M., Trasande, L., Vandenberg, L.N., Wagner, M., Zimmermann, L., Zoeller, R.T., Scheringer, M.
2023, Environment International

Food contact materials (FCMs) and food contact articles are ubiquitous in today’s globalized food system. Chemicals migrate from FCMs into foodstuffs, so called food contact chemicals (FCCs), but current regulatory requirements do not sufficiently protect public health from hazardous FCCs because only individual substances used to make FCMs are tested and mostly only for genotoxicity while endocrine disruption and other hazard properties are disregarded. Indeed, FCMs are a known source of a wide range of hazardous chemicals, and they likely contribute to highly prevalent non-communicable diseases. FCMs can also include non-intentionally added substances (NIAS), which often are unknown and therefore not subject to risk assessment. To address these important shortcomings, we outline how the safety of FCMs may be improved by (1) testing the overall migrate, including (unknown) NIAS, of finished food contact articles, and (2) expanding toxicological testing beyond genotoxicity to multiple endpoints associated with non-communicable diseases relevant to human health. To identify mechanistic endpoints for testing, we group chronic health outcomes associated with chemical exposure into Six Clusters of Disease (SCOD) and we propose that finished food contact articles should be tested for their impacts on these SCOD. Research should focus on developing robust, relevant, and sensitive in-vitro assays based on mechanistic information linked to the SCOD, e.g., through Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) or Key Characteristics of Toxicants. Implementing this vision will improve prevention of chronic diseases that are associated with hazardous chemical exposures, including from FCMs.

Peer-reviewed papers

Hazardous chemicals in recycled and reusable plastic food packaging

Geueke, B., Phelps, D.W., Parkinson, L.V., and Muncke, J.
2023, Plastics

In the battle against plastic pollution many efforts are being undertaken to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastics. If tackled in the right way, these efforts have the potential to contribute to reducing plastic waste and plastic’s spread in the environment. However, reusing and recycling plastics can also lead to unintended negative impacts, because hazardous chemicals, like endocrine disrupters and carcinogens, can be released during reuse and accumulate during recycling. In this way, plastic reuse and recycling become vectors for spreading chemicals of concern. This is especially concerning when plastics are reused for food packaging, or when food packaging is made with recycled plastics. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that care is taken to avoid hazardous chemicals in plastic food contact materials, and to ensure that plastic packaging that is reused or made with recycled content is safe for human health and the environment. The data presented in this review are obtained from the Database on Migrating and Extractable Food Contact Chemicals (FCCmigex), which is based on over 700 scientific publications on plastic food contact materials. We provide systematic evidence for migrating and extractable food contact chemicals (FCCs) in plastic polymers that are typically reused, such as polyamide (PA), melamine resin (MelRes), polycarbonate (PC), and polypropylene (PP), or that contain recycled content, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET). 1332 entries in the FCCmigex database refer to the detection of 509 FCCs in repeat-use food contact materials made of plastic. 853 FCCs are found in recycled PET, of which 57.6% have been detected only once. Here, we compile information on the origin, function, and hazards of FCCs that have been frequently detected, such as melamine, 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol, 2,6-di-tert-butylbenzoquinone, caprolactam and PA oligomers, and highlight key knowledge gaps that are relevant for the assessment of chemical safety.

Peer-reviewed papers

Evaluating the food safety and risk assessment evidence-base of polyethylene terephthalate oligomers: A systematic evidence map

Schreier, V.N., Çörek, E., Appenzeller-Herzog, C., Brüschweiler, B.J., Geueke, B., Wilks, M.F., Schilter, B., Muncke, J., Simat, T.J., Smieško, M. and Roth, N.
2023, Environment International

Background: The presence of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) oligomers in food contact materials (FCMs) is well-documented. Consumers are exposed through their migration into foods and beverages; however, there is no specific guidance for their safety evaluation.
Objectives: This systematic evidence map (SEM) aims to identify and organize existing knowledge and associated gaps in hazard and exposure information on 34 PET oligomers to support regulatory decision-making.
Methods: The methodology for this SEM was recently registered. A systematic search in bibliographic and gray literature sources was conducted and studies evaluated for inclusion according to the Populations, Exposures, Comparators, Outcomes, and Study type (PECOS) framework. Inclusion criteria were designed to record hazard and exposure information for all 34 PET oligomers and coded into the following evidence streams: human, animal, organism (non-animal), ex vivo, in vitro, in silico, migration, hydrolysis, and absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion/toxicokinetics/pharmacokinetics (ADME/TK/PK) studies. Relevant information was extracted from eligible studies and synthesized according to the protocol.
Results: Literature searches yielded 7445 unique records, of which 96 were included. Data comprised migration (560 entries), ADME/TK/PK-related (253 entries), health/bioactivity (98 entries) and very few hydrolysis studies (7 entries). Cyclic oligomers were studied more frequently than linear PET oligomers. In vitro results indicated that hydrolysis of cyclic oligomers generated a mixture of linear oligomers, but not monomers, potentially allowing their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Cyclic dimers, linear trimers and the respective smaller oligomers exhibit physico-chemical properties making oral absorption more likely. Information on health/ bioactivity effects of oligomers was almost non-existent, except for limited data on mutagenicity.
Conclusions: This SEM revealed substantial deficiencies in the available evidence on ADME/TK/PK, hydrolysis, and health/bioactivity effects of PET oligomers, currently preventing appropriate risk assessment. It is essential to develop more systematic and tiered approaches to address the identified research needs and assess the risks of PET oligomers.

Peer-reviewed papers

Unpacking the complexity of the polyethylene food contact articles value chain: A chemicals perspective

Gerassimidou, S., Geueke, B., Groh, K.J., Muncke, J., Hahladakis, J.N., Martin, O.V., and Iacovidou, E.
2023, Journal of Hazardous Materials

Polyethylene (PE) is the most widely used type of plastic food packaging, in which chemicals can potentially migrate into packaged foods. The implications of using and recycling PE from a chemical perspective remain underexplored. This study is a systematic evidence map of 116 studies looking at the migration of food contact chemicals (FCCs) across the lifecycle of PE food packaging. It identified a total of 377 FCCs, of which 211 were detected to migrate from PE articles into food or food simulants at least once. These 211 FCCs were checked against the inventory FCCs databases and EU regulatory lists. Only 25% of the detected FCCs are authorized by EU regulation for the manufacture of food contact materials. Furthermore, a quarter of authorized FCCs exceeded the specific migration limit (SML) at least once, while one-third (53) of non-authorised FCCs exceeded the threshold value of 10 μg/kg. Overall, evidence on FCCs migration across the PE food packaging lifecycle is incomplete, especially at the reprocessing stage. Considering the EU’s commitment to increase packaging recycling, a better understanding and monitoring of PE food packaging quality from a chemical perspective across the entire lifecycle will enable the transition towards a sustainable plastics value chain.

Peer-reviewed papers

The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry

Taha H.M., Aalizadeh R., Alygizakis N., Antignac J.P., Arp H.P.H., Bade R., Baker N., Belova L., Bijlsma L., Bolton E.E., Brack W., Celma A., Chen W.L., Cheng T.J., Chirsir P., Cirka L., D'Agostino L.A., Feunang Y.D., Dulio V., Fischer S., Gago-Ferrero P., Galani A., Geueke B., Glowacka N., Gluge J., Groh K., Grosse S., Haglund P., Hakkinen P.J., Hale S.E., Hernandez F., Janssen E.M.L., Jonkers T., Kiefer K., Kirchner M., Koschorreck J., Krauss M., Krier J., Lamoree M.H., Letzel M., Letzel T., Li Q.L., Little J., Liu Y.N., Lunderberg D.M., Martin J.W., McEachran A.D., McLean J.A., Meier C., Meijer J., Menger F., Merino C., Muncke J., Muschket M., Neumann M., Neveu V., Ng K., Oberacher H., O'Brien J., Oswald P., Oswaldova M., Picache J.A., Postigo C., Ramirez N., Reemtsma T., Renaud J., Rostkowski P., Rudel H., Salek R.M., Samanipour S., Scheringer M., Schliebner I., Schulz W., Schulze T., Sengl M., Shoemaker B.A., Sims K., Singer H., Singh R.R., Sumarah M., Thiessen P.A., Thomas K.V., Torres S., Trier X., van Wezel A.P., Vermeulen R.C.H., Vlaanderen J.J., von der Ohe P.C., Wang Z.Y., Williams A.J., Willighagen E.L., Wishart D.S., Zhang J., Thomaidis N.S., Hollender J., Slobodnik J., and Schymanski E.L.
2022, Environmental Sciences Europe

The NORMAN Association ( initiated the NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE; in 2015, following the NORMAN collaborative trial on non-target screening of environmental water samples by mass spectrometry. Since then, this exchange of information on chemicals that are expected to occur in the environment, along with the accompanying expert knowledge and references, has become a valuable knowledge base for “suspect screening” lists. The NORMAN-SLE now serves as a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) chemical information resource worldwide.
The NORMAN-SLE contains 99 separate suspect list collections (as of May 2022) from over 70 contributors around the world, totalling over 100,000 unique substances. The substance classes include per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), pharmaceuticals, pesticides, natural toxins, high production volume substances covered under the European REACH regulation (EC: 1272/2008), priority contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and regulatory lists from NORMAN partners. Several lists focus on transformation products (TPs) and complex features detected in the environment with various levels of provenance and structural information. Each list is available for separate download. The merged, curated collection is also available as the NORMAN Substance Database (NORMAN SusDat). Both the NORMAN-SLE and NORMAN SusDat are integrated within the NORMAN Database System (NDS). The individual NORMAN-SLE lists receive digital object identifiers (DOIs) and traceable versioning via a Zenodo community (, with a total of > 40,000 unique views, > 50,000 unique downloads and 40 citations (May 2022). NORMAN-SLE content is progressively integrated into large open chemical databases such as PubChem ( and the US EPA’s CompTox Chemicals Dashboard (, enabling further access to these lists, along with the additional functionality and calculated properties these resources offer. PubChem has also integrated significant annotation content from the NORMAN-SLE, including a classification browser (
The NORMAN-SLE offers a specialized service for hosting suspect screening lists of relevance for the environmental community in an open, FAIR manner that allows integration with other major chemical resources. These efforts foster the exchange of information between scientists and regulators, supporting the paradigm shift to the “one substance, one assessment” approach. New submissions are welcome via the contacts provided on the NORMAN-SLE website (

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