

January 27, 2025

Epidemiological study links maternal exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) with increased risk of childhood obesity; PFAS found to disturb fat metabolism in-vitro inducing conflicting effects during fat cell differentiation; several thousand PFAS predicted to bind to nuclear hormone receptors involved in weight regulation
Reading time: 4 minutes

February 15, 2023

Small pilot study analyzes saphenous vein tissues from five individuals and detects 15 plastic particles/g tissue indicating transport of plastic particles within human tissue; review concludes more research needed to elucidate the potential carcinogenicity of micro- and nanoplastics; researchers find potential connection between colorectal cancer and microplastic exposure level; preliminary study report microplastic presence in four out of six urine samples 15 plastic particles/g of tissue
Reading time: 4 minutes

April 6, 2022

First human biomonitoring study encounters plastic particles of four different polymer types in human blood; in vivo study reports polystyrene nanoparticles pass blood-brain barrier and induce neurotoxicity in mice; review summarizes plastic particle and titanium dioxide impacts on human gut epithelial integrity, gut homeostasis, and intestinal inflammation
Reading time: 4 minutes

March 18, 2022

Epidemiological studies investigate association between diet and endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposure; find recommended healthy diets not protective against EDC exposure; report association of plastic-free diet with reduced urinary bisphenol A (BPA) in children; researchers performing bioaccessibility tests using gut fluids find release of phthalates and BPA from microplastics may pose human health risk
Reading time: 5 minutes

November 15, 2021

New peer-reviewed scientific study by the Food Packaging Forum and academic scientists shows regulatory ‘safe’ limits for human exposure to phthalates may be set at levels not sufficiently protective of human health; analysis reviews 38 human health studies; highlights need for revising current approach and to re-assess the safety of chemicals already on the market
Reading time: 3 minutes

July 22, 2021

Five studies examine effects following exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during pregnancy; report association between bisphenol A (BPA) exposure and preterm birth and decreased gestational age, especially upon exposure in third trimester of pregnancy; find contradicting results on fetal growth impacts from BPA; intake of synthetic progesterone by pregnant women found to double cancer risk of their offspring; propylparaben exposure found to alter mammary gland structure in mice
Reading time: 7 minutes

October 16, 2020

Emerging evidence and systematic analyses highlight adverse effects of bisphenols and phthalates on cardiovascular health; meta-analysis of US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data from 2003-2016 finds significant association of cardiovascular disease with bisphenol A; prenatal exposure particularly detrimental; calls for more mechanistic research, evaluation of cardiovascular safety profiles for substitution chemicals
Reading time: 7 minutes

August 20, 2020

Draft Scientific Opinion published by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on how to appraise and use human health studies for EFSA’s scientific assessments; initially intended for internal use for testing, public consultation planned for later date
Reading time: 1 minute
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