Study finds metabolism- and endocrine-disrupting chemicals present in plastic food packaging can migrate

A recent study explores the diversity of chemicals migrating from food contact articles into food simulants; 73% of extractable chemicals also migrated to food simulants; only 2% could be matched to currently known plastic chemicals; all migrates activated nuclear receptors, may disrupt metabolism or the endocrine system; migrates from PUR, PVC and LDPE contained more chemicals than other tested polymers and were more toxic

Review of endocrine disruptors in beverage packaging

Publication assesses over fifty studies on endocrine disrupting chemicals migrating from packaging into beverages; finds that material type, acidity, and storage impact migration rates; phthalates were most detected in polymer films, while bisphenol A was measured most in canned beverages

Majority of plastic food contact articles likely endocrine and metabolism disrupting

Two studies investigating chemicals from retail plastic food contact articles find considerable variability in complexity, with subsequent effects on cell-based tests of hormone disruption; many more chemicals measured from PVC and polyurethane than other polymers though the chemical mixtures from majority of the plastic samples are hormone disrupting; further evidence of PVC and PUR can interfere with GPCR-based cell communication

EDCs in plastics cost the US $250 billion in healthcare annually

Scientists calculate US health care costs caused by a well-studied subset of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics; estimate exposure cost $250 billion in 2018, equivalent to 1.22% of Gross Domestic Product; recommend addressing chemicals of concern in global plastics treaty to reduce disease burden and costs

Scientists recommend policy actions to reduce EDC health impacts

Review describes how cost and disease burden of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can be reduced by policy actions informed by science; recommended solutions include updating testing to account for mixture, cumulative exposure, effects occurring later life; second review summarizes studies linking EDC exposure with immunological and metabolic impacts during pregnancy

New Japanese coalition to protect children from harmful chemicals

Group of Japanese consumer organizations form ‘Network for Protecting Children from Hazardous Chemicals’; purpose is to gather and communicate scientific research and urge for legislative changes; inauguration event takes place on April 22, 2023

BPS and other color developers migrate from food labels into food

Scientists analyze 140 Canadian samples of food packaging and thermal labels; first to demonstrate that bisphenol S (BPS) and alternative chemicals found in food labels migrate through packaging materials into food; study assesses levels of BPS and other bisphenols in 79 canned Turkish foods; detect BPS in six samples in levels up to 0.036 mg/kg food

EU Court of Justice rules in favor of ECHA identifying BPA as SVHC

Trade body PlasticsEurope loses fourth legal case concerning regulations of bisphenol A (BPA); European Court of Justice supports ECHA’s classification of BPA as substance of high very high concern (SVHC)

Proposals for change from inside and outside the US FDA

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposes structural changes within the institution in response to recent critique; includes increased focus on nutrition, partnerships with other regulatory authorities and incorporating outside advisors; Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) publishes report on obesogens; encourages FDA to ‘incorporate framework’ to identify obesogens and other endocrine disruptors when reviewing chemical safety

Six FCCs including melamine and bisphenol S added to SVHC candidate list

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) adds nine chemicals to the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC); six have been listed for intentional use or measured in food contact articles; listing obligates producers and suppliers to provide safety information and to notify ECHA; candidate list now contains 233 substances