Studying phthalates: Linkage with dietary habits and molecular changes

Biomonitoring finds regular takeaway food consumption increases phthalate exposure; intervention study links plastic packaged hot soup consumption with increased phthalate exposure and changes in mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines; structural analysis suggests non-phthalate alternative plasticizers have potential for thyroid hormone disruption

Study identifies chemicals driving semen quality deterioration

Scientists perform mixture risk assessment on 29 chemicals capable of affecting semen quality; show exposure to chemicals that lead to declined semen quality highly exceed tolerable daily intake in Europe; identify bisphenols, polychlorinated dioxins, paracetamol, and phthalates as risk drivers

Scientists identify most harmful food contact chemicals

Researchers led by the Food Packaging Forum (FPF) publish paper identifying 388 chemicals intentionally used in food contact materials (FCMs) that are harmful according to the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability; 127 of these chemicals of concern have been measured to be present in FCMs including 30 monomers and 122 carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic to reproduction (CMR) chemicals

Drafting of the international plastics treaty now underway

First meeting to draft the international plastics treaty in Dakar, Senegal taking place from May 30 to June 1, 2022 with representatives from government, industry, and civil society; technical briefing on May 29, 2022 shares information on the relationship between plastics, chemical exposure, and human health

FCCmigex dashboard now has in-depth plastics page

Food Packaging Forum publishes interactive tool dedicated to exploring plastic food contact chemical research; released as an update of the Database on Migrating and Extractable Food Contact Chemicals (FCCmigex) dashboard; users can filter data by 12 polymer types, includes 1975 chemicals detected in plastics

IPEN webinar: Food contact chemicals, EDCs, and policy opportunities

International Pollution Elimination Network (IPEN) webinar to explore chemicals in food contact materials, health threats of endocrine disrupting chemicals, and global policy opportunities; presentations will be available in English, Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish

Commentary on chemical pollution calls for prioritizing health

Author describes the planet’s chemical legacy and emphasizes need for targeted global approach to contend with chemical pollution

Studies report on bisphenol exposure and health effects

Review summarizes plastic-associated bisphenol A (BPA) sources, exposure, and human health risks; dietary bisphenol exposure via packaged food consumption in Saudi Arabia is potential human health concern; review discusses bisphenols’ effects on the cardiovascular system and recommends human-relevant studies with bisphenols other than BPA; consensus scoring analysis identifies endocrine-disrupting food contact chemicals potentially interacting with nuclear receptors

Review on EDCs and breast cancer calls for research inclusivity

Researchers review association between endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposure, specifically per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and parabens, and breast cancer development; report structural racism increases EDC exposure of marginalized communities; emphasize need for considering socially disadvantaged populations in research to mitigate exposure and improve breast cancer disparities; review finds bisphenol A (BPA) replacements BPS and BPF as carcinogenic as BPA

Belgian initiatives aim to reduce packaging waste and EDC exposure

New initiative to create reusable packaging system for Flemish region of Belgium; over 80 companies across the food, consumer products, and packaging supply chain sign on; Belgian federal government launching action plan on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)