
The Food Packaging Forum provides free, science-based resources ranging from introductory summaries to in-depth research publications and databases

Introductory materials

New to the field of food packaging and health? Looking to get an overview and introduction to fundamental topics? Our introductory resources are the best place to start.

In-depth publications

Already familiar with the field and looking to learn more about the science behind a specific topic? Use our in-depth publications to bring your knowledge further.

Peer-reviewed papers

Our research is presented and discussed in published scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. All of our publications are open-access and free for all to read.

Book chapters

We have authored chapters in respectable textbooks that discuss in-depth the science behind a range of key topics.


Easy-to-read extended summary articles that introduce specific scientific topics in more depth. They include background context, a review of published research, and related regulations.

Food Contact eXplorer

Interested in learning more about a food contact chemical, material, or regulation but don’t know where to start your research? The Food Contact eXplorer (FCX) is a comprehensive data platform that brings together years of meticulous research and data collection on food contact chemicals by the Food Packaging Forum. FCX supports the development of safer and more sustainable food contract materials, by allowing anyone to explore, learn, and make informed decisions about chemical presence, toxicology, regulatory requirements, and industry initiatives.

In development


Have a food contact chemical in mind and need a detailed overview of available information? Want to understand what a specific food brand or retailer is doing to address the sustainability of its food packaging and processing equipment? Our interactive databases provide detailed information to help point you in the right direction.


An extensive set of intentionally used food contact chemicals including their global safety and regulatory information.


A systematic map of the scientific evidence of food contact chemical presence in and migration from food contact materials and articles.


A database of voluntary initiatives and commitments by food brands and retailers to shift towards chemically safe and more resource-conscious food packaging and processing.


A systematic evidence map to explore food contact chemicals measured in humans

Talks and Presentations

The Food Packaging Forum has given many scientific talks and presentations on topics related to food packaging and health at events around the world. It also hosts an annual workshop as well as regular webinars that invite key speakers in the field. Many of these presentations have been recorded and are freely available to watch on the FPF website. Associated links and documents are also provided.

Workshop recordings

Presentations from a range of multistakeholder experts on a wide range of topics during our annual workshop.

Webinars & recorded talks

Presentations given by the Foundation’s scientists by invitation at events around the world plus talks given by experts during our own webinars.

Collaborative Projects

The Food Packaging Forum both leads and participates in a range of collaborative scientific research and outreach projects with partners from across the globe. From in-depth exposure and toxicological review studies to developing training courses and industry tools. Learn about the Foundation’s core projects and their results.

Systematic investigation of the
use and hazards of food contact
chemicals, their migration into
foods, presence in humans, and
associated health effects

The first ever free and
comprehensive tool for making
sustainable packaging purchasing
decisions based on the latest
available science

A large-scale, EU-funded HORIZON 2020 research project developing an actionable European roadmap for early-life health risk assessment of micro- and nanoplastics.

A multistakeholder effort to gather and make accessible scientific information on hazardous chemicals found in plastic packaging

FitNESS 2.0

An open-access learning platform for university students and industry professionals on the design of responsible food packaging

A state-of-the-science report of the scientific evidence on hazardous substances in plastics for informed policymaking

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