Fact Bites

Check out our latest fact bites! These are little info nibbles about food packaging materials and food contact chemicals published to our social media channels. Learn more about each topic below and click to visit the linked resource.

Food packaging is more than just glass, metal, plastic, or paper. It’s also adhesives, printing inks, coatings, and other components.

Flame-resistant food? Organophosphate esters protect stuff from fire but sometimes they’re found in foods. Exposure is linked with neurotoxicity & endocrine disruption! Food packaging is one source.

We know the long term health effects of all the chemicals in our food packaging, right? Unfortunately no. The precautionary principle can help regulators and manufacturers avoid regrettable substitution.

Because it’s renewable and biodegradable paper is a popular replacement for plastic packaging, but to be truly sustainable it must be safe.

Our FCCmigex database includes evidence of many oligomers migrating from plastic and silicone food packaging plus some can coatings. Want to learn more? A new research project is collecting information on human exposure & health hazards.

Many brands pledge to make food packaging more safe & sustainable. FPF has tracked these actions since 2020 but now the information is even easier to explore! Search for actions by company, location, date, keywords, & more!

Chemicals can migrate from single-use & reusable food packaging. Watch our webinar with Selina Tisler about her research measuring chemicals from reusable plastic bottles, including some never before reported in bottled water!

What do we know about the chemical safety of PET plastic bottles? What can the presence of hazardous chemicals mean for the circular economy? Watch our webinar with experts from University College London and Brunel University introducing their peer-reviewed study and answering these questions.

FPF is 10! We’re proud of a decade of work on food packaging, policy, & health. In the last month alone we published 2 research papers plus an interactive tool, were on Reddit’s front page, and in >35 news articles in 4 languages! Thanks for your support!

New peer-reviewed study finds 388 chemicals used in food packaging are harmful according to the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. The open-access study can help policymakers start phasing out chemicals to better protect public health.

Interested in PFAS? These “Forever Chemicals” are the focus of many headlines & regulations. The new FCCmigex dashboard now has a page dedicated to all the published scientific research we collected about PFAS in Food Packaging.

Got questions about chemical migration from plastic food packaging? Our new FCCmigex dashboard now has an even newer plastics page! See which chemicals were studied in PET, PVC, polystyrene, & more.

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