
active packaging

September 27, 2021

Italian studies investigate consumer perception and attitude; find food- and packaging-related eco-labels to equally signal higher food quality and safety to consumers; demonstrate high willingness of consumers to buy active, intelligent, and sustainable packaging; survey in UK finds adding stickers with clear recycling messages increases recycling behavior
Reading time: 3 minutes

June 18, 2021

Two new reviews investigate types, properties, and application of edible films and coatings applied on food; reuse of food waste to protect fresh food; addition of nanomaterials identified to further increase mechanical and barrier properties of edible films
Reading time: 2 minutes

March 22, 2021

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes administrative guide on how to submit applications for new active, intelligent materials and articles intended for food contact; describes procedures, timelines for handling applications; will be updated as necessary
Reading time: 1 minute

July 23, 2020

Scientists review chemical analytical approaches for food contaminants originating from packaging, including active packaging and novel biopolymers; call for thorough characterization of substances migrating from active packaging, including impurities, auxiliary compounds, potential biotransformation products
Reading time: 2 minutes

June 5, 2020

Indian National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute publishes study showing edible composite coating made from wheat straw extends shelf life of royal delicious apples over 30-day period without refrigeration; seen as inexpensive solution without need for post-harvest processing and cold storage
Reading time: 1 minute

October 9, 2019

Project with the University of Sunderland develops edible label that can be applied directly to foods and provides scannable code for users to access further information; aims to reduce need for additional packaging
Reading time: 1 minute

April 16, 2019

Food tech startup StixFresh develops solution for produce stickers that extends shelf life up to fourteen days; all ingredients generally recognized as safe in accordance with the U.S. FDA
Reading time: 1 minute
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