

November 12, 2024

European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) study reports nanomaterials in consumer products including food contact materials (FCMs) still on the rise; find “systematic” migration of nanoparticles from FCMs; silver studied the most; no general conclusions on toxicity; review identifies further research gaps and calls to advance regulatory framework to mitigate potential risks associated with nanoparticles in FCMs
Reading time: 5 minutes

July 23, 2024

Study proposes a preliminary physiologically-based toxicokinetic (PBTK) model for micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs); polymer type, size, shape, surface chemistry, surface biofilms, and biocorona determine toxicokinetic rates; models for engineered nanoparticles are not appropriate due to heterogeneity of MNPs; uptake via inhalation and effects of absorbed chemicals need more investigation
Reading time: 3 minutes

April 5, 2022

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) presentations provide guidance on small particles in food and feed applications (i) evaluating the potential presence of particles in ‘conventional’ materials and (ii) how to perform nano-specific risk assessment; stakeholders share experience and discuss practices to implement guidance cost-effectively
Reading time: 5 minutes

August 11, 2021

Literature review explores opportunities of bio-based active materials in food packaging applications and the circular economy; demonstrates high research interest in the topic over last 20 years; finds agro-industrial waste as promising, renewable, and environmentally friendly resource for bio-based materials; study finds circular economy to be the focus of perspective articles to mitigate plastic pollution but mismatch with psychosocial research
Reading time: 4 minutes

August 6, 2021

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) releases guidance documents on the technical requirements to establish the presence of small particles in food products, and how to perform risk assessments of nanomaterials in the food chain; includes migration of particles from food contact materials; agency reports on outcomes from the public consultation period
Reading time: 3 minutes

May 18, 2021

European Commission launches targeted stakeholder consultation to review 2011 recommendation on a nanomaterial definition for use across regulations; feedback being accepted until June 30, 2021; recent review article finds nanomaterials primarily used as antimicrobials in food packaging, applications could expand in future pending safety uncertainties
Reading time: 2 minutes

March 10, 2021

European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) announces opinion not approving silver compounds for application in food contact materials (FCMs); includes silver zinc zeolite, silver zeolite, silver copper zeolite, silver sodium hydrogen zirconium phosphate; finds risk unacceptable for human health; next meeting scheduled in June 2021
Reading time: 1 minute
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