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What happens to micro- and nanoplastics in the body?

Study proposes a preliminary physiologically-based toxicokinetic (PBTK) model for micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs); polymer type, size, shape, surface chemistry, surface biofilms, and biocorona determine toxicokinetic rates; models for engineered nanoparticles are not appropriate due to heterogeneity of MNPs; uptake via inhalation and effects of absorbed chemicals need more investigation

Studies present new generic and specific modeling approaches for FCCs migration

Scientists develop nonlinear model for predicting food contact chemical (FCC) migration and apply it to FCCs of high toxicological concern; emphasize usefulness of their model to speed up migration assessment of FCCs; different group of scientists proposes an innovative modeling approach to assess release of a specific additives and elements from plastic food packaging and steel processing tools

New toolbox to model chemical migration from food contact materials

Scientists evaluate global performance of new model to predict a chemical’s concentration in food in contact with food packaging; integrated model includes uncertainty analysis and can be used for regulatory purposes

GUTS model adapted to chemical mixtures

Study in Environmental Science Technology on adapted General Unified Threshold model for Survival (GUTS) for environmental risk assessment of chemical mixtures; includes time dimension, approach can be extended to multiple compounds, evaluate synergistic or additive interaction

Webinar on computational predictive toxicology projects

American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) to hold webinar on May 26, 2020, discussing three recently completed projects developing collaborative in silico toxicology models

New FPF background article on migration modeling

Food Packaging & Health article introduces concept of mathematical migration modeling, discusses approaches for different packaging materials, highlights benefits, limitations, research needs

DTU announces 2 large EU research projects on EDCs

Technical University of Denmark contributes to 2 new Horizon 2020 research projects focused on endocrine disruptors, reproductive health, thyroid hormones; to begin in 2019 and run for 5 years

FPF Workshop 2018: Improving chemical safety by new science

Presentations at Food Packaging Forum 2018 workshop cover predictive toxicology, computational methodologies, green chemistry

Hearing on predictive toxicology roadmap

FDA holds public hearing on its predictive toxicology roadmap, September 12, 2018; registration open until August 29, 2018; comments accepted after hearing until October 12, 2018

BfR statement on polyamide oligomers

German risk assessment institute evaluates migration of polyamide oligomers from kitchen utensils into food; exposure likely to exceed threshold of toxicological concern; call for more toxicity studies

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