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Thailand adopts standard for assessing footprint of biobased plastics

Thai Industrial Standards Institute adopts international standard for undertaking life cycle assessments of biobased plastics

Thailand increases focus on food contact material standards

Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) publishes new standard for plastic bags in contact with food including limits on heavy metals and temperature requirements; published new standard for single-use wooden utensils earlier in 2024; Industry Minister instructs TISI to increase pace to control other articles

Thailand introduces standard for fluoropolymer coated cooking utensils

Thai Industrial Standards Institute publishes updated standard for metal, fluoropolymer coated utensils in contact with hot foods; standard borrows from EU overall migration test methods for plastic materials and ISO standards; comes into force April 2, 2023; Thai ministries introduce tax incentive to reduce fossil-plastic use

ASEAN member actions on plastic and chemical pollution

Nations in Southeast Asia collectively working on reducing plastic pollution and related chemical hazards; Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) signs off on project to “combat” marine plastic; Thailand plans ban on plastic scrap imports; new research available on sources of plastic pollution in Indonesia and Vietnam; Vietnam and Singapore implementing stricter chemical regulations; extended producer responsibility for plastic waste becomes law in Philippines

2022 FPF Workshop: FCM developments in the last decade

On the morning of the Food Packaging Forum’s annual workshop, speakers discuss changes in food contact material (FCM) regulation in the EU, US, and Asia; panels discuss key research and policy developments over the last decade

Thailand publishes new standards for food contact plastics

Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) officially publishes standards for plastic utensils and microwaveable containers that come into contact with food; standards set migration limits for plastic food contact materials and defines how compliant packaging must be tested and marked; new standards effective January 3, 2023; improperly marked food contact articles will not be allowed on the market after the effective date

National parks in Thailand ban single use plastics

The Thai Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation bans styrofoam packaging and single-use plastics from all 155 national parks in the country; those caught with single-use food containers, cups, or utensils could face a fine up to 100,000 baht ($3,000 USD); Elephants and other animals reportedly eating plastics in national park north of Krung Thep Maha Nakhon (Bangkok)

Global Food Contact Conference 2022: updates from Asia

Smithers conference covers global developments in food contact regulations and materials; speakers on day two review recent and upcoming changes to food packaging regulations in China, Japan, India, and Southeast Asia

Thailand proposes draft regulation for paper FCMs

Thailand publishes draft regulation for chemicals in paper food contact materials (FCMs), affects non-colored paper and board containers; limits concentrations of heavy metals, phthalates, bisphenol A and benzophenone; draft open for consultation until May 11, 2021

Thai authorities launch survey on FCMs

Thai Ministry of Public Health publishes survey collecting information about eight categories of FCMs currently on the market; results to inform FCM guidelines; responses being accepted until July 15, 2020

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