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U.S. government publishes strategy to combat plastic pollution

White House releases plan to reduce impacts of plastic across the entire lifecycle; aims to eliminate single-use plastic in federal food service by 2027, and in all federal operations by 2045

PlastChem report synthesizes current science on plastic chemicals

Report maps scientific data on more than 16,000 plastic chemicals; finds gaps in current governance and knowledge that prevent effective management; recommends policy actions based on current state-of-the-science

Third round of UN plastics treaty negotiations conclude

Meeting in Nairobi ends with no consensus on intersessional work needed before next meeting; Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty represented by 37 scientists, including team members from the Food Packaging Forum; expanded and revised version of Zero Draft based on member state inputs to be published by December 31, 2023; next round of negotiations to take place in Ottawa, Canada on April 21 – 30, 2024

Earth Action report assesses leakage of plastic additives into the environment

Earth Action (EA) publishes report quantifying plastic additives leaking into the environment; estimates more than 6,000,000 tons of additives leak into the environment annually by applying a mathematical modeling approach; briefing paper assesses environmental and human health impacts of plastic additives and discusses ways forward

2023 FPF Workshop: Assessing and implementing safe and sustainable FCMs

In the afternoon of the Food Packaging Forum’s 11th annual workshop, speakers shared businesses experiences on the path towards more safe and sustainable food packaging; five talks and one panel discussion present opportunities, challenges, and case studies; representatives from several large international businesses shared approaches their organizations use to respond to safety and sustainability challenges; reusable packaging founders discuss the unique issues of changing the food packaging field

Australian government to start regulating packaging

Australian environment ministers agree to “address the use of harmful chemicals in food packaging,” create packaging design standards and targets, harmonize curbside recycling programs; details forthcoming

WRAP sets targets for removing single-use packaging in store-sold produce

UK-based organization publishes roadmap to reducing food waste and single-use plastic packaging; targets selling 50% of fruits and vegetables loose by 2030; aims to support retailers and other stakeholders in reaching UK Plastics Pact targets

Report outlines how plastic production harms human health, environment, economy

Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health publishes extensive report summarizing plastics’ effects across life cycle on human health, environment, and the economy; health effects cost society hundreds of billions every year; report includes actions for “governments and industries to minimize the negative consequences of global plastic contamination”

Vietnam taxes single-use Styrofoam and non-biodegradable packaging

Ministry of Justice proposes tax increase on non-biodegradable packaging and new tax on single-use expanded polystyrene food packaging

First proposals put forward for global treaty to end plastic pollution

Countries are submitting proposals to the UN Environment Program to guide Plastics Treaty development; US proposes treaty focus on downstream effects – reuse and recycling; proposal from 40-nation ‘high ambition coalition’ proposes setting up limits on polymer production, eliminating certain polymers and products; over 60 proposals received so far; stakeholder registration is open for the next negotiating meeting for the Plastics Treaty in Paris, France in May 2023

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