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Kenya updates aluminum foil standard

Kenya Bureau of Standards submits updated standard to World Trade Organization; covers aluminum foil for household use and catering; changes mostly affect mechanical property specifications; includes rules for metal content and heavy metal limits

Peru increasing circular economy, regulating plastic bag contents and claims

Ministry of Production proposes technical regulation on plastic bags to reduce use of harmful substances, increase recycled content, and decrease microplastics production; also bans unsupported claims like “eco-friendly”, “green”, etc.; proposal open for comment until August 14, 2024

Thailand increases focus on food contact material standards

Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) publishes new standard for plastic bags in contact with food including limits on heavy metals and temperature requirements; published new standard for single-use wooden utensils earlier in 2024; Industry Minister instructs TISI to increase pace to control other articles

US state of Washington picks new chemical groups for regulatory scrutiny

Washington state Department of Ecology publishes list of seven new priority chemical groups for future regulatory scrutiny as part of the Safer Products for Washington program; includes lead, cadmium, and formaldehyde; earlier in 2024, Washington passed the strongest regulation on lead in cookware in the US

Georgia aligning food contact policy with EU

New EU candidate, Georgia, lowers specific migration limit of lead and cadmium from ceramic food contact articles; brings nation in line with EU Ceramic Articles Directive

Ukraine aligning FCM regulations with EU

Ukraine’s Ministry of Health notifies World Trade Organization of a draft restriction on vinyl chloride in contact with food; restriction aligns with a 1978 European Council declaration on vinyl chloride in food contact materials (FCMs); ministry announces other alignments including on migration of lead and cadmium from ceramic FCMs

Colombia issues resolution on glass and ceramic FCMs

Technical regulation sets specific migration limits for lead and cadmium from glass and ceramic food contact materials (FCMs); provides guides on which products are within scope, limits vary with article type and size

NGO alliance calls on US FDA to update regulations

NGOs in the United States including Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, Earth Justice, and the Environmental Defense Fund, launch campaign calling on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to update its rules about chemicals present in food packaging; new campaign targets heavy metals, PFAS, phthalates, and perchlorate

Thailand proposes draft regulation for paper FCMs

Thailand publishes draft regulation for chemicals in paper food contact materials (FCMs), affects non-colored paper and board containers; limits concentrations of heavy metals, phthalates, bisphenol A and benzophenone; draft open for consultation until May 11, 2021

Tanzania proposes heavy metal limits in FCMs

Tanzania’s Bureau of Standards proposes limits for heavy metals, total aromatic amines in food contact materials (FCMs); notifies World Trade Organization (WTO) of positive list for colorants and dyes; adoption set for July 2021, becomes effective January 2022

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