Review finds hundreds of chemicals migrating from recycled and reusable plastic FCMs

Scientists detect 509 food contact chemicals in plastic food contact materials (FCMs) made for reuse; 853 chemicals identified in recycled PET; study points out key knowledge gaps in available hazard data for frequently detected chemicals

Systematic overview reveals chemicals migrating from PE food packaging

Review compiles 116 studies on chemical migration from polyethylene (PE); 211 chemicals detected to migrate into food or food simulants; 13 are authorized chemicals that exceed set EU specific migration limits, 53 others exceed migration limit of 10 μg/kg; study calls for further research and identifies gaps in current regulatory framework

Baby foods as dominant pathway for infant exposure to antioxidants

Targeted analysis demonstrates widespread contamination of Chinese baby foods with traditional and novel antioxidants; plastic food packaging identified as one source; prevalent and high migration of 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol from different types of plastics

FCCmigex database updated

The Food Packaging Forum updates Database on Migrating and Extractable Food Contact Chemicals (FCCmigex); encompasses 149 additional studies with more than 4600 new entries

Japan updates list of substances allowed for food contact articles

Draft introduces new definitions of polymers; revises usage allowances for some substances

Oligomers – presence in FCMs and food, toxicity, challenges

Review summarizes analysis and presence of oligomers in food contact materials (FCMs) made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), and polystyrene (PS) including challenges; study suggests ionic strength may influence migration of polyamide (PA) oligomers from PA FCMs

Scientists investigate chemicals in plant-based materials

Review summarizes chemicals present in and migrating from food contact articles made with wood, bamboo, and other plant-based materials; researchers identify and quantify 25 non-volatile compounds from bamboo, palm leaf, wood and wheat pulp dishes; tentatively identify 115 non-volatile chemicals in extracts from six plant fiber/plastic composites; detect phthalates in Brazilian dry foods in cellulose-based packaging

Phthalates: impact on leiomyoma growth and mixture risk

Study identifies mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) exposure as high-risk factor for leiomyoma growth on epidemiological and mechanistic level; European biomonitoring of five reprotoxic phthalates demonstrates necessity to integrate mixture risk assessment into regulatory practice; targeted analysis shows migration of five phthalates from polypropylene food packaging

Study investigates quantity and risk of oligomers in PBT

Researchers analyze oligomer in extracts and migrates of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) food contact articles also comparing levels in food and food simulants; report human exposure to oligomers can exceed daily threshold in some scenarios; express the need for toxicological evaluation of PBT oligomers

ZWE explains how FCM safety is fundamental to sustainability

Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) report helps businesses understand importance of addressing hazardous chemicals in food contact materials (FCMs), current challenges; shares tools and resources to support decision making; argues that to be truly sustainable, packaging must also be safe for both human and environmental health