In vitro testing of FCMs: Current science and future challenges

New scientific study by FPF summarizes research on alternative toxicity testing of FCMs, finds approach promising and feasible; sample preparation methods need to be optimized and standardized; employed assays should be of clear human health relevance

International food contact compliance conference

Italian Institute of Packaging holds 4th International Conference on Food Contact Compliance on September 20-22, 2017 in Baveno, Italy; program and registration now online

FPF Workshop 2017: Program and registration online

Event program and registration for Food Packaging Forum’s annual workshop now online; live webcast available; register before September 28, 2017!

Optimizing analytics for quantification of unknown substances

Scientists propose a method for semi-quantification of unknown substances; exemplify significance of various technical parameters; demonstrate method performance with paperboard FCM extract

EU plastic converters discuss risk assessment of FCMs

Food Contact Plastics Seminar highlights NIAS, printing inks, provides regulatory updates

Conference report: Towards a non-toxic future

Stakeholder conference held by Danish Ministry delivers recommendations for future EU chemicals regulation; conference report now available

EFSA: 4th FIP network meeting on FCMs

EFSA’s Food Ingredients and Packaging Scientific Network held fourth meeting on food contact materials on February 16, 2017; discussions focused on coatings; interest group on evaluation of coatings formed

FPF Workshop 2017: Save the date!

Food Packaging Forum holds 5th annual workshop on October 5, 2017 in Zurich, Switzerland; first speakers and topics announced

PET bottle value chain addresses NIAS compliance

European PET industry associations form group to focus on regulatory compliance of PET food packaging regarding non-intentionally added substances

In vitro bioassays for FCMs

Austrian research institute for chemistry and technology holds information event on bioassays for food contact materials on March 8, 2017 in Vienna