Conference: NIAS and mineral oils in FCMs

Italian Institute of Packaging hosts conference on NIAS and mineral oils in food contact materials on March 29-30, 2017 in Munich

Interlaboratory comparison of migration testing: Quantification

EU Reference Laboratory for FCMs publishes a report on interlaboratory comparison for testing the migration of caprolactam, and 2,4-di-tert butyl phenol; over 80% of returned test results considered satisfactory

Mineral oils: Toxicity, exposure possibly underestimated

Scientific study compares accumulation of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) in rats to humans; findings imply that current acceptable daily intake for MOSH may be set too high and current human exposure is underestimated

Towards a non-toxic future

Danish Ministry holds expert stakeholder workshop to discuss chemical policy; presentations available online; recommendations made for EU Commission

ILSI NA workshop on FCMs

Videos of presentations and panel discussions held at ILSI North America workshop on safety evaluation of FCMs in September 2016 are now available online

FPF Workshop 2016: Enforcement, migration, and BPA

Enforcement of migration limits, industry standards, and research collaboration between regulators and academics to investigate BPA’s low-dose toxicity discussed at the FPF 2016 workshop

EFSA: 3rd FIP network meeting on FCMs

EFSA’s Food Ingredients and Packaging Scientific Network held third meeting on food contact materials on May 24-26, 2016 in Parma, Italy

Unknowns about drinking water pipes

Ensia article informs about plastic water piping material PEX; discusses what is known and unknown about the material’s composition and what leaches out into water

Migration from aged polycarbonate plastics

Scientists examine influence of ageing on the migration of oligomers and coloring agents from polycarbonate tableware; higher migration of degradation products from older and damaged plastics, colorants from newer products

Conference on residues of FCMs in food

Experts discussed future changes in the European legislation on FCMs, summarized state of the art in analytical chemistry and toxicity testing, and introduced novel techniques to measure and reduce chemical migration from FCMs into food