Opportunities for plastic FCM manufacturers

Plastic food contact industry meets to discuss plastics recycling, NIAS, risk assessment and chemicals of concern in FCMs

Summary of latest EU events on FCMs

UK NGO CHEM Trust outlines EU Parliament investigation on FCM regulation, Food Packaging Forum workshop, Luxemburg FCM conference, EFSA public consultation on FCM opinion, fluorinated-free popcorn in Denmark

Harmonizing FCM regulation

Conclusions of Luxembourg conference on FCMs published; harmonization of FCM regulation at EU level desired, improvement of risk assessments and declarations of compliance needed

CHEM Trust and FPF respond to EFSA opinion

The Food Packaging Forum and CHEM Trust address non-intentionally added substances, substances of very high concern, and other issues in detailed responses to EFSA’s public consultation on the draft scientific opinion on risk assessment of chemicals in FCMs

Simplified FCM regulation wanted

FCM experts and stakeholders gather in EU Member State Luxembourg to discuss innovation, regulatory requirements, risk assessment, and enforcement of food contact materials regulation; call for harmonized approaches and collaboration

EFSA: 2nd FIP network meeting on FCMs

EFSA’s Food Ingredients and Packaging Scientific Network held second meeting on food contact materials on July 1-2, 2015 in Parma, Italy

New guidance on NIAS in FCMs

ILSI Europe publishes guidance document on risk assessment of non-intentionally added substances in food contact materials

EFSA: Public consultation on FCM scientific opinion

EFSA’s CEF Panel calls for feedback on draft scientific opinion on the safety assessment of food contact materials; public consultation open until October 7, 2015

FCM acutely toxic to fish

Researchers study lethality of aquarium fish held in polyethylene bag; toxic levels of nonylphenol found to migrate into salt water

NIAS in laminated bioplastics

Study investigates composition of biodegradable adhesive and chemical migration from bioplastics laminates, identifies several NIAS, shows importance for migration testing of finished material