EU project on food packaging safety successfully concluded

SAFEMTECH project presented its achievements, new active packaging developed available on the market

How much to know about the unknown?

Session on NIAS at Eurotox 2014 conference gathers experts to discuss advances in risk assessment of NIAS

New FPF report: Nonylphenol from food packaging

New study shows method for identifying the endocrine disrupting chemical nonylphenol in food packaging materials

Experts discuss identification and risk assessment of NIAS

First Swiss Food Science Meeting hosts international experts on non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in Neuchâtel

New EU guidance on plastic migration testing forthcoming

Working group shares draft document at EU Commission’s FCM stakeholder meeting

New study assesses safety of active packaging

Antimicrobial food packaging tested for its intended migration into food, no uptake of the active substance and related migrants via food concluded

New scientific study compares migrants, toxicity of glass and PET

French researchers find migrants from PET, glass into bottled waters and test for mutagenicity, cytotoxicity and endocrine disruption

NIAS causes transgenerational obesity in mice

Substance found as a NIAS in PVC plastics causes transgenerational inheritance of obesity

Assessing the chemical safety of food contact materials: A case study

New study with recycled paperboard shows possibilities and limits of chemical analysis for known and unknown food contact material migrants.