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Scientists propose life-cycle-based criteria for polymers of concern

Scientists develop holistic conceptual framework to determine polymers of concern; criteria go beyond intrinsic properties and take life cycle considerations into account; packaging particularly problematic regarding environmental leakage; scientists are calling for swift action on polymers of concern despite some data gaps

JRC publishes case studies on single-use versus reusable packaging

European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes life cycle assessment (LCA) case studies covering five single-use versus reusable packaging scenarios; incorporates 16 impacts; paper production practices and consumer behavior play significant role in final, single impact score; reuse tended to perform better in most scenarios, significantly so when comparing reusable glass bottles versus single-use glass

ZWE critiques industry-funded Life Cycle Assessments on reusable packaging in new report

Zero Waste Europe compares three packaging life cycle assessment (LCA) studies; two are industry-funded, one is published by a university; finds that industry funding introduces heavy biases when making assumptions about reuse systems; also finds industry-funded reports lack transparency in methodologies

Expanded version of Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard released

New version of the UP Scorecard features over 70 additional foodware and food packaging products; simpler navigation across menus, and improved customization of containers; helps companies compare common products to make more sustainable purchasing decisions based on six impact areas

New textbook on designing safer and more sustainable chemicals

Academic scientists from ETH Zürich publish textbook teaching fundamental tools, methods, and concepts for designing chemical products and processes; includes life cycle assessment, product and process risk assessment, thermal safety, key regulations, societal dialogue; features workable case study developed with industry partners

LCA study investigates impacts of beverage packaging types

Scientists from University of Southampton publish life cycle assessment (LCA) estimating primarily environmental impacts of five types of packaging across three beverage categories; find lowest impacts caused by recycled aluminum cans for pressurized drinks, Tetra Pak for fruit juices, cartons for milk

FPF Workshop 2020: Proceedings available

8th annual Food Packaging Forum workshop focuses on linking policy-making with scientific research to improve the safety of food contact materials; video recordings, presentation slides, and summary articles now available online

FPF Workshop 2020: Scientific research and policy making

Six speakers share their views on how to improve food contact material (FCM) safety; different approaches might complement one another; linking scientific research, policy making and industry initiatives could be the key to safe FCMs

EU initiative to standardize quantification of environmental impacts

European Commission publishes roadmap, inception impact assessment; initiative aims to require companies to substantiate environmental footprint claims made about their products or services, reduce ‘greenwashing’; open for feedback until August 31, 2020

PVC additive assessment tool

Industry initiative Vinyl Plus announces creation of tool to assess life cycle impacts of additives used in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products; civil society groups criticize the approach as ‘greenwashing and misleading’

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