
life cycle assessment

March 4, 2024

European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes life cycle assessment (LCA) case studies covering five single-use versus reusable packaging scenarios; incorporates 16 impacts; paper production practices and consumer behavior play significant role in final, single impact score; reuse tended to perform better in most scenarios, significantly so when comparing reusable glass bottles versus single-use glass
Reading time: 4 minutes

November 20, 2020

Scientists from University of Southampton publish life cycle assessment (LCA) estimating primarily environmental impacts of five types of packaging across three beverage categories; find lowest impacts caused by recycled aluminum cans for pressurized drinks, Tetra Pak for fruit juices, cartons for milk
Reading time: 2 minutes

July 3, 2020

Industry initiative Vinyl Plus announces creation of tool to assess life cycle impacts of additives used in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products; civil society groups criticize the approach as ‘greenwashing and misleading’
Reading time: 1 minute
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