EU sets ground rules for ‘essential use’ of hazardous chemicals

European Commission adopts guiding criteria for determining the ‘essential use’ of harmful chemicals, emphasizing that their use is justified only when necessary for health, safety, or crucial societal functions with no alternatives; essential use is not legally binding until incorporated into regulation

Growing concerns around industry lobbying in the EU

European Parliament opening internal investigation into lobbyist conduct related to the packaging and packaging waste regulation; civil society organization Corporate Europe Observatory publishes report of industry arguments made to DG Grow and DG Environment about the essential use concept

Stakeholder consultation workshop on the essential use concept

Over 500 stakeholders call in to virtual workshop to hear initial thoughts on incorporating the essential use concept into EU chemicals legislation, and to provide feedback

Review clarifies essential-use concept and its application

Review resolves misinterpretations of the essential-use concept and exemplifies the concept’s application using case studies, e.g., on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); classifies concept as feasible and a novel, effective, and more rapid approach of managing chemicals of potential concern

FPF Workshop 2020: Scientific research and policy making

Six speakers share their views on how to improve food contact material (FCM) safety; different approaches might complement one another; linking scientific research, policy making and industry initiatives could be the key to safe FCMs