In light of the ongoing 4th negotiations for a Global Plastics Treaty in Ottawa, Greenpeace International published a report on April 4, 2024, exploring public sentiment about proposed approaches to combat plastic pollution (FPF reported).  

The survey includes 19,000 respondents across 19 countries and reveals a strong consensus among participants, with the majority expressing support for key aspects of the proposed treaty. 82% advocate for reducing plastic production, highlighting the need to address plastic consumption. 80% express concern about the environmental impacts of plastic production on biodiversity and climate. 

Another notable finding is the overwhelming support (90%) for transitioning away from single-use plastic packaging in favor of reusable alternatives. 75% endorse a ban on single-use plastics.  

Concerns regarding the health implications of plastic pollution are also prevalent, with 80% of respondents expressing worry about its impact on their well-being. 84% of parents express concerns about the potential health risks posed to their children by plastic pollution.  

The survey findings indicate a consistent level of support for ambitious measures to address plastic pollution across all surveyed countries. This support is particularly robust in many Global South nations, where plastic pollution levels are especially high. 

A similar study, published on April 11, 2024, was conducted by Ipsos for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Plastic Free Foundation. The survey includes opinions of 24,000 individuals across 32 countries and shows matching results to the Greenpeace report.  

Participants in the survey overwhelmingly support not only a ban on single-use plastics but also the prohibition of harmful chemicals used in plastic (90% support) and plastic products that are difficult to recycle (87% support). 

According to the report, there is widespread support for systemic changes, including the redesign of the plastics system to facilitate safe reuse and recycling. Measures such as mandating manufacturers to invest in and provide reuse and refill systems garnered 87% support, while 72% expressed support for ensuring equitable access to funding, technology, and resources for a just transition. 



Greenpeace (April 4, 2024). “People vs Plastic – Global support for a strong plastics treaty. 

WWF (April 11, 2024). “Rising Tides III: Citizens around the world demand strong rules to end plastic pollution. 

Read more 

Waqas Qureshi (April 4, 2024). “Eviosys poll shows consumer demand for sustainable packaging but costs h it firms.Packaging News 

EHN (April 5, 2024). “Americans are cutting back on plastic use, survey finds.”  

Darrel Moore (February 26, 2024). “71% of people believe supermarkets and retailers use too much packaging.Circular 

Peter Dennis (April 9, 2024). “63% of US support single-use plastic ban, Greenpeace survey shows.