EDCs impact neurodevelopment across generations

Scientists obtain epidemiological evidence demonstrating adverse effects of EDC exposure on neurodevelopment in humans across several generations

BfR statement on polyamide oligomers

German risk assessment institute evaluates migration of polyamide oligomers from kitchen utensils into food; exposure likely to exceed threshold of toxicological concern; call for more toxicity studies

Plastic use and exposure to estrogenic chemicals

U.S. pilot study asks participants to reduce plastic use related to food purchase, preparation, storage; blood samples indicate decrease in total estrogenic activity after changing plastic use behavior

EFSA working group on phthalates: 3rd meeting

EFSA’s CEF Panel working group on phthalates reassesses safety of DBP, BBP and DEHP for food contact plastics; updated meeting minutes now available online

Chemicals of concern in Swiss food packaging

Swiss national tv channel reports on study by Swiss authorities that revealed elevated levels of mineral oils, plasticizers, photoinitiators, chlorinated substances in sampled paper and board food packaging

Fluorinated chemicals in cake packaging

Danish consumer council finds elevated levels of fluorinated substances in 3 out of 21 paper and board packagings of ready-made cakes; test results indicate decreased intentional use of fluorinated chemicals in baking paper since 2016

How to manage PFASs in FCMs?

Report by Nordic Council of Ministers summarizes existing knowledge on fluorinated substances in paper and board food contact materials, presents options for reducing consumer exposure

Phthalates in dairy farm equipment

New report by Coalition for Safer Food Processing & Packaging finds continued use of phthalates in plastic and rubber equipment for dairy farming; potential source of phthalates in dairy products such as milk and cheese

EFSA updates food consumption database

EFSA releases updated Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database, includes data from EU Menu project, covers more population groups and new food categories

Nanoparticles may affect gut function

New study finds zinc nanoparticles used in food can coatings to negatively affect intestinal functions such as nutrient absorption, iron and glucose transport; UPDATE: original article retracted due to calculation mistake; corrected article published in December 2018