NGOs comment on EC’s roadmap for EDCs

Health and Environment Alliance calls on EU Commission to include actions aimed at exposure reduction into its roadmap for EU framework on EDCs; CHEM Trust requests addressing EDCs across all EU legislations

NGOs comment on UN EDC reports

ChemSec and CIEL discuss UN overview reports on endocrine disruptors, highlight value of SIN List, importance of using scientific information for policies and regulations

Opinion: FCMs must be included in EU phthalates restriction

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and CHEM Trust call on EU Member States to extend proposed REACH restriction of phthalates DEHP, DBP, DIBP, BBP also to food contact materials

Non-toxic chemicals are good for business

ChemSec discusses how hazardous substances can lead to costly business scandals and that substitution is necessary for a successful circular economy

Overview reports on EDCs in the environment

International Panel on Chemical Pollution and UN Environment release 3 overview reports on global initiatives to identify endocrine disruptors, environmental exposures and effects, existing regulatory frameworks

EFSA working group on phthalates: 4th meeting

EFSA’s CEF Panel working group on phthalates reassesses safety of DBP, BBP and DEHP for food contact plastics; updated meeting minutes now available online

Environmental risks of medium-chain chlorinated paraffins

Scientists review production, environmental occurrence, and toxicity of medium-chain chlorinated paraffins; substantial risks may necessitate regulatory actions

Review on metals and autism

Scientists review evidence on links between autism spectrum disorder and toxic metal(loids) such as lead, mercury, aluminum, arsenic, postulate mechanism based on neuroinflammation, oxidative stress

Recommendations for non-toxic environment

Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) calls on EU Commission to release strategy for non-toxic environment, recommends 12 priority actions

EU human biomonitoring conference

Austrian Presidency and EU Commission host conference on European Human Biomonitoring Initiative, September 28, 2018 in Vienna; registration open until June 30, 2018