BPA linked to hyperactivity

Meta-analysis substantiates BPA’s link to hyperactivity in children

EDCs in everyday products

Article by New York Times illustrates how difficult it is for consumers to avoid exposure to endocrine disruptors

Second REACH review published

European Commission releases second review of REACH regulation, highlights how REACH enhanced chemical safety, suggests actions for improvement

Report: Chemicals for a sustainable future

New report by European Environment Agency discusses future developments needed to attain sustainable chemistry

How to avoid exposure to BPA?

Article in The Guardian discusses health risks associated with bisphenol A and ways to reduce exposure from food packaging

Reducing perchlorate in food

Communication by German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment addresses perchlorate in food, calls for reduction of perchlorate levels in food, omits intentional use in FCMs as significant exposure source

Current opinion on micro- and nanoplastics

Thematic journal issue on micro- and nanoplastics addresses sources, fate, human health and environmental effects, sampling methods, research needs

Assessing risks of hydrophobic chemicals

Scientists argue that water-focused assessment schemes may misjudge risks of hydrophobic chemicals; sediments, particles, exposure through diet additionally play an important role; contribution of microplastics and nanoplastics uncertain but likely low

PFASs linked to weight gain

New study by Harvard scientists finds association between higher PFASs blood levels and greater weight gain after dieting; high PFASs levels also linked to low resting metabolic rates

Mineral oils and heavy metals in dark chocolate

Danish consumer council finds cadmium, lead, mineral oils, polyaromatic hydrocarbons in dark chocolate; 5 of 12 tested brands with elevated levels