Androgens may predispose to autism

Scientists show that androgens regulate key genes linked to autism risk and may contribute to excessive brain growth, suggest that androgens’ effects on developing brain may increase risk of developing autism spectrum disorders

New book on environmental chemicals and child health

Experts on pediatrics and public health publish book on effects of ubiquitous chemical exposures on children’s health; focus on non-communicable diseases such as autism, ADHD, birth defects, cancer

Webinar: PFASs in food packaging

Cancer-Free Economy Network holds webinar on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in paper-based foodservice packaging on March 28, 2018; registration now open

Guide to safer disposable foodware

Center for Environmental Health tests fluorine content in disposable foodware, finds over half of the products to be fluorinated, provides recommendations to purchasers and manufacturers

BPA labeling in foods and food packaging ‘inadequate’

‘Real-world’ dietary intervention study highlights inadequate labeling as a barrier to following individual-focused strategies aimed at reduction of dietary BPA exposure

TBBPA and triclosan cause higher BPA exposure

Mice study shows that co-exposure with tetrabromobisphenol A and triclosan alters toxicokinetics of BPA, results in elevated tissue levels

Shorter-chain PFCs may persist in human tissues

Researchers estimate internal exposure to metabolites of shorter-chain polyfluorinated compounds, demonstrate high potential for biopersistence, call for further research

EU environment committee supports draft BPA regulation

EU Parliament’s Environment Committee votes in favor of EU Commission’s draft regulation on bisphenol A in food contact materials

Action needed on phthalates in food

Article in Environmental Health News highlights growing consumer concern about phthalates and other chemicals in food; action expected to happen in the marketplace

Migration of nitrosamines from FCMs

Scientists develop analytical method to measure N-nitrosamines migrating from elastomeric food contact materials; 6 nitrosamines detected frequently; BfR-recommended limit exceeded for one styrene block copolymer sample