Online tool to protect children from chemical exposures

Swedish Chemicals Agency publishes website with information and advice on children’s everyday exposure to chemicals, includes section on food and food contact materials

EU’s non-toxic strategy reports

EU Commission publishes comprehensive study and 7 sub-studies on its non-toxic environment strategy

WHO: Environmental risk factors and noncommunicable diseases

World Health Organization publishes new report highlighting contribution of environmental factors, including exposure to chemicals, to noncommunicable diseases burden

Danish retailer pushes for ban on PFASs and bisphenols

Coop Denmark launches campaign on ‘cocktails’ of hazardous chemicals in consumer products, urges Danish government to ban per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and bisphenols in food contact materials

Priority substances for EU biomonitoring project

Stakeholder NGOs and industry groups nominate priority substances for European Human Biomonitoring Initiative; deadline for nomination is September 2017

Predicting exposure to food contact chemicals

U.S. EPA scientists develop high-throughput computational models for predicting dietary exposure to chemicals from food packaging; exposure from food contact materials found to contribute significantly to overall exposures

Focus on ‘BPA-free’ products

Article discusses common BPA substitutes and whether products labeled ‘BPA-free’ are safer

BPF exposures on the rise

Detox Me project of Silent Spring Institute shows that consumers inclined to buy ‘BPA-free’ products do have lower levels of bisphenol A but higher levels of common substitute bisphenol F

Prolonged exposure to BPA after dermal contact

Scientists show uptake and elimination of bisphenol A after dermal contact are slower than after ingestion; findings suggest higher steady state levels after repeated dermal exposures

FCMs, gut health and risk assessment

New scientific article reviews food contact chemicals’ effects on gut permeability, microbiota, and immune responses; scientific justification for risk assessment assumptions questioned