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Updated safety guidelines for metals used in food contact

European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare updates guidance document on metals and alloys used for food contact; sets updated Specific Release Limits; assesses safety of various metals based on scientific evidence; emphasizes need for collaboration between stakeholders to minimize health risks from released substances

New tool for scoring food packaging: UP Scorecard

Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard evaluates and compares impacts of foodware and food packaging; beta version of the tool published, new features and expanded product coverage planned; developed by a multistakeholder collaboration including the Food Packaging Forum

FPF publishes five fact sheets on food packaging materials

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) releases new fact sheets on plastic, paper and board, metal, glass, and multimaterial food packaging; address material properties, applications, chemical migration, end-of-life, and recyclability

China revises standard on metals in FCMs

National Health Commission opens public consultation on 16 food safety standards; sets stricter limits for metals used in food contact materials (FCMs), removes use of 4% acetic acid as food simulant; comments accepted until October 20, 2020

Inorganic elements in PHA bioplastics

Scientists measure content and migration of inorganic elements from polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA); report higher levels in PHA produced from municipal waste and wastewater sludge fractions compared to PHA produced from fruit wastes; in all cases migration below set migration limits

Third party proficiency testing of laboratories

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) launches proficiency testing of laboratories providing services to measure heavy metal concentrations in foods; results to inform Baby Foods Council, help stakeholders identify capable laboratories

Thailand proposes standard for FCMs

Thailand notifies WTO of future mandatory standard for thermoset plastics derived from formaldehyde

Key chemicals of concern in food packaging

Environmental Defense Fund publishes list of key chemicals of concern in food packaging and food handling equipment

EU considers new calculation rules

New calculation methodology for recycling under discussion by EU; could impact actual recycling rates in meeting set 2030 targets

Lead and arsenic in food contact paper

Low migration of lead and arsenic measured in food contact paper bought in Korea; resulting human exposure estimated to be within safe levels

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