Microplastics in aquatic environment

Microplastics2018 conference addresses sources, fate, effects of microplastics in waste water and aquatic ecosystems

BfR: More research and data on microplastics needed

German risk assessment institute responds to Austrian stool study in communication addressing health risks from ingesting microplastics

Microplastics in human stool

Scientists detect microplastics in every human stool sample collected in eight countries, call for further research to better understand influence on gastrointestinal health

Consumers concerned about microplastics

More than half of German population concerned about microplastics in food, according to survey by German risk assessment institute; 45% worried about aluminum in food packaging

Microplastics in food-grade salts

New study finds microplastics in 90% of tested salt brands worldwide; microplastic contamination of sea salts correlates with plastic pollution in surrounding seawater

Microplastics affect gut function and microbiota

Scientists find chronic exposure of mice to polystyrene microplastics affects intestinal barrier function, gut microbiota composition, metabolic indices

Plastic pollution through the food chain

HuffPost video summarizes extent of plastic pollution, effects on wildlife and humans, proposed measures against single-use plastics

Microplastics are ‘everywhere’

U.S. radio station WBUR summarizes challenges and issues related to microplastics pollution

Debating environmental risks of microplastics

Scientists debate the urgency of research and actions on microplastics in the environment, present models to estimate accumulation of plastic debris and contaminants, assess risk of microplastics in the ocean

Technical solutions for studying microplastics

Overview papers discuss characterization and identification of microplastics by techniques based on (micro-)Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy