The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will host a scientific colloquium in Lisbon, Portugal on October 15-16, 2020 focusing on a coordinated approach to assess the human health risks of micro- and nanoplastics in food. (The event has been postponed from the originally planned dates of June 8-9, 2020.) There is an open call for abstracts to be considered for inclusion, and submissions are due before January 31, 2020. EFSA has identified microplastics in food as a topic of increasing concern among EU citizens and launched a call for more data in 2016. The colloquium will include presentation and discussion groups specifically focusing on questions related to:

  • “Risk assessment: what data gaps need filling to allow risk assessments for health?
  • “Society: what is driving public concerns and what can help us to understand people’s risk perceptions?”

The event will also have a poster session and aims to bring stakeholders together to understand the current state of research and develop synergies. Registration for the event is reported to be opened in February 2020.

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EFSA (December 2019). “Call for abstracts – Scientific Colloquium 25 “A coordinated approach to assess the human health risks of micro- and nanoplastics in food”.”

Chemical Watch (January 23, 2020). “EFSA to host forum on human health risks of nano and microplastics in food.Chemical Watch