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EFSA updates criteria for evaluating PET recycling processes

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) updates its guidelines for assessing PET recycling processes for materials intended for food contact; applicants must include information on collection, pre-processing, decontamination, post-processing, and intended use; potential dietary exposure of contaminants must not exceed 0.0025 μg/kg body weight per day

Experts question US FDA’s safety assessment of recycled plastics

Environmental Health News reports on process to approve recycled plastic products for food contact; researchers quoted in the article argue that the approach is insufficient; more thorough testing and safety assessments needed

Civil society urges European Commission to phase out PVC in food packaging

Zero Waste Europe publishes brief highlighting problems with polyvinyl chloride in food contact applications; advocates for restrictions due to health concerns from additives and microplastics; another report supports ECHA’s findings on significant risks associated with PVC; European civil society organizations petition phase out strategies

Applying the safe and sustainable by design framework

European Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes document to guide designers and assessors through the application of the voluntary Safe and Sustainable by Design framework; describes the steps of the framework, how to define system, frequently asked questions, and suggestions for where to find more information; following framework does not guarantee EU regulatory compliance; European Commission accepting feedback until August 30, 2024

Proposals to standardize chemicals work, data sharing across EU

European Commission adopts legislative proposals working toward ‘one substance, one assessment’ in the EU; plan to create Europe-wide chemicals data platform; allow agencies to commission chemical testing and monitoring, set up an early warning system for chemical risks, and establish a monitoring framework; two proposals restructure responsibilities among EU agencies

UP Scorecard: New and improved version released

New version of Understanding Packaging (UP) Scorecard published; allows users to create a private account, make and save product portfolios, compare entire business units, and features a more robust scoring system for chemicals of concern that considers the food or beverage being served

2023 FPF Workshop: Assessing and implementing safe and sustainable FCMs

In the afternoon of the Food Packaging Forum’s 11th annual workshop, speakers shared businesses experiences on the path towards more safe and sustainable food packaging; five talks and one panel discussion present opportunities, challenges, and case studies; representatives from several large international businesses shared approaches their organizations use to respond to safety and sustainability challenges; reusable packaging founders discuss the unique issues of changing the food packaging field

Civil society organizations introduce new certification program for reusable food packaging

Standard aims at improving chemical safety of reusable food contact articles and reducing plastic waste; involves rigorous testing and transparency of ingredients used in the packaging

Consumers perceive compostable packaging as most sustainable, report says

McKinsey report investigates consumers’ attitudes toward sustainability in food packaging; finds hygiene & food safety, as well as shelf life are most important aspects to consumers; consumers think compostable and plant-based packaging is the most sustainable, metal containers among least sustainable

Report presents model for sustainable & circular PET system

Systemiq presents a circular economy blueprint for PET; suggests pathway to reducing landfill and incineration by 70% and greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2040; would require expansion of reuse systems, scaling of recycling infrastructure, and clear regulations; chemical safety of recycled PET remains unclear

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