In an article published on August 13, 2018, by news provider Environmental Health News (EHN), Pete Myers, founder and chief scientist of non-profit organization Environmental Health Sciences, outlined the problem of plastic waste and pollution. “Huge economic pressures continue the exponential growth curve of plastic production, with no solutions capable of dealing with the problem at scale,” he argued. Myers summarized statistics on plastics production and plastic-related pollution, concluding that “the scale of the challenge is undeniably enormous.” Further, he illustrated why solutions such as recycling and the use of bioplastics are merely “fig leaves” that make consumers feel good and give us “psychological permission” to continue using single-use plastics. Lastly, Myers urged consumers to “unlearn” how to waste plastics.
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Pete Myers (August 13, 2018). “Pete Myers: Peering into the Plasticene, our future of plastic and plastic waste.” EHN