On May 28, 2018, the European Commission (EC) published a proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament (EP) and of the Council on “the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.” A draft of the proposal was leaked in advance (FPF reported) and first reactions from industry and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the draft were mixed (FPF reported).

The EC’s proposal foresees different measures for different single-use plastic items in an attempt to reduce plastic pollution in the environment, particularly in the oceans. For example, consumption of food containers and beverage cups shall be reduced, and there shall be market restrictions on cotton bud sticks as well as cutlery, plates, stirrers, and straws. Extending producer responsibility and raising public awareness are also suggested measures for many items.

Feedback on the EC’s proposal and the accompanying impact assessment can be given until July 24, 2018.

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EC (May 28, 2018). “Proposal for a directive – Reducing marine litter: Action on single use plastics and fishing gear.

Mauro Anastasio (May 28, 2018). “European Commission steps forward to cut down on single-use plastics – but it’s just the beginning.European Environment Bureau

PlasticsEurope (May 28, 2018). “Industry urges commission to avoid shortcuts and to focus on improving waste management.

Sam Morgan (May 28, 2018). “Commission targets end to throwaway plastic culture.Euractiv

European Interest (May 28, 2018). “Brussels prepares ban on plastic waste.

Daniel Boffey (May 28, 2018). “EU challenges UK to ‘race to the top’ on plastics reduction.The Guardian

Daniel Boffey (May 27, 2018). “Gove urged to follow Europe with ban on single-use plastic.The Guardian

Reuters (May 28, 2018). “EU moves to ban single-use plastics.

Oliver Washington (May 28, 2018). “EU-Kommission will gegen Plastikmüll vorgehen.SRF (in German)

DW (May 28, 2018). “EU Commission plans ban on plastic waste.

Plastics News Europe (May 28, 2018). “Europe’s plastics strategy’s first legislative proposal presented.

Plastics News Europe (May 28, 2018). “European Commission’s proposal on single-use plastics gets mixed reactions from industry.

Karen Laird (May 28, 2018). “Europe proposes bans on many single-use plastics.Plastics News

European Bioplastics (May 29, 2018). “Directive on the reduction of single-use plastic products remains vague on sustainable alternatives.

Joseph James Whitworth (May 29, 2018). “EU policy proposal cracks down on single use plastics.Beverage Daily

Lorraine Chow (May 29, 2018). “EU moves to ban 10 most harmful single-use plastics.EcoWatch

Chemical Watch (May 30, 2018). “EU plastics pollution proposal ‘fails to address’ hazardous substances.

IFT (May 31, 2018). “European Commission proposes ban on single-use plastics.