On January 16, 2018, UK retailer Iceland announced that it will eliminate plastic packaging for all of its own-brand products by 2023. As reported in an article by The Guardian, plastic packaging will be “replaced with paper and pulp trays and paper bags, . . . recyclable through domestic waste collections or in-store recycling facilities.” Richard Walker, managing director at Iceland, stated: “The onus is on retailers, as leading contributors to plastic packaging pollution and waste, to take a stand and deliver meaningful change.” To ensure that all packaging will be recycled, the retailer will also support initiatives like a bottle deposit return scheme for plastic bottles. On January 11, 2018, the UK’s prime minister presented the government’s environmental strategy aiming to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste in the country by 2042 (FPF reported).

UK non-profit organization CHEM Trust supports the aim to reduce single-use plastic packaging. However, CHEM Trust highlighted “the lack of adequate regulation of the use of chemicals in paper and board food contact materials.”

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Nicola Slawson (January 15, 2018). “Iceland supermarket vows to eliminate plastic on all own-branded products.The Guardian

BBC (January 16, 2018). “Iceland supermarket chain aims to be plastic free by 2023.

Plastics News Europe (January 16, 2018). “Retailer Iceland puts a freeze on plastic packaging.”¨

Jenny Eagle (January 18, 2018). “‘The actions of one UK retailer are insignificant when more than 85% of plastic marine pollution comes from Asia and Africa.’Beverage Daily

The Irish Times (January 19, 2018). “‘Irish Times’ view on environment: The war on plastics.