ERM seminar on food contact materials

Consultancy firm ERM holds seminar focusing on current developments in regulatory compliance; discuss non-intentionally added substances, recycling, circular economy

Challenges and developments in plastic converter industry

Food Contact Plastics Seminar 2019 discusses use of the mutual recognition principle, improved supply chain communication, analysis of non-intentionally added substances, and regulation of recycling for plastic FCMs

Key chemicals of concern in food packaging

Environmental Defense Fund publishes list of key chemicals of concern in food packaging and food handling equipment

Paper and board in contact with food

Paper Technology Foundation” (PTS) expert meeting discusses current trends in paper and board in contact with food

Review of NIAS analytics in paper FCMs

Scientists review sources of non-intentionally added substances in paper and board food contact materials, discuss migration studies, analytical approaches, research needs

Managing chemicals in plastic packaging

Research project demonstrates lack of transparency on chemicals in plastic packaging, identifies phthalates as urgent substitution candidates; non-intentionally added substances pose unique assessment challenges

Chemical migration from plastic FCMs in China

Chinese scientists analyze migration from 120 domestic plastic FCM products; only 13% of detected migrants listed on EU positive list for plastic FCMs; widespread detection of antioxidant precursor 2,4-DTBP

Oligomers in biodegradable food packaging

Study of non-volatile components of biodegradable polyester and polylactic acid blend identifies 37 different compounds including plasticizers and oligomers, some seen only in migration experiments

P&P conference 2018

Smithers Pira’s annual conference on “Plastics & paper in contact with foodstuffs” covers regulatory updates, summarizes industry initiatives, discusses future developments

ILSI report on food packaging adhesives

International Life Sciences Institute’s Packaging Materials task force publishes report on adhesives for food packaging applications