EU policymakers push to address PPWR sticking points during final negotiations

Looming March 4th deadline pressures EU institutions to find agreement on open points within the draft Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR); steering note from Belgian presidency calls for compromises, highlights key topics; stakeholders express concerns over draft regulation’s lightweighting of materials, requirement for closed loop recycling processes, and handling of chemical safety

European Council adopts position on Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

Maintains criteria that all packaging must be recyclable; introduces requirement for separate waste collection; tasks Commission with preparing a report on substances of concern and their impact on recycling, reuse, and chemical safety

EU Member States endorse 8th Environmental Action Program

Council of the EU announces member states endorsement of recently completed negotiations on the 8th Environmental Action Program (EAP); EAP will guide EU climate and environmental policy until 2030; priority objectives include decreasing the EU’s material and consumption footprints

European Council supports harmonized FCM rules

EU body publishes conclusions on Farm to Fork Strategy; calls for developing harmonized rules for additional food contact material (FCM) types and an EU-wide requirement for declarations of compliance for all materials