Recommendations for EU’s Sustainable Products Initiative

European Environmental Bureau releases discussion paper and policy briefs with recommendations for European Commission’s Sustainable Products Initiative; discusses ideas to integrate the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability into product regulation; also identifies measures to increase value chain transparency

Migration of chemicals and microplastics from microwavable plastics

Scientists analyze migration of chemicals and microplastics from microwavable food containers; identify dozens of intentionally and non-intentionally added substances and up to over one million microplastics per liter in food simulants; migration partly exceeds Cramer class-based recommendations

Tackling the toxics in plastics packaging

Article in PLOS Biology discusses hazardous chemicals in plastics; highlights chemicals as critical but often missing aspect in plastic pollution discussion; proposes rethinking current approach to plastic packaging toxicity testing


Rapid and cost-effective non-animal-based in vitro bioassays can be used to improve the toxicological testing of food contact materials; journal article reviews currently available assays and future challenges

Chemical analytics of novel food packaging

Scientists review chemical analytical approaches for food contaminants originating from packaging, including active packaging and novel biopolymers; call for thorough characterization of substances migrating from active packaging, including impurities, auxiliary compounds, potential biotransformation products

The Guardian discusses plastic food container safety

Article introduces recent research quantifying chemicals that could be present in packaging, testing chemical toxicity; emphasizes chemical unknowns, recommends tips for consumers to minimize chemical and plastic particle exposure

P&P conference 2019: Industry perspectives on FCMs

Recycling, biobased polymers, NIAS among the important topics discussed at Smithers Pira’s conference on plastics and paper in contact with food

Plastic Health Summit talks published

Event brings together scientists and advocates to discuss latest research on micro- and nanoplastics, plastic additives, and health; presentations recorded and now publicly available

EU and U.S. approaches to NIAS

Keller and Heckman article discusses existing regulations related to non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); compares EU and U.S. approaches, outlines risk assessment steps

Global Food Contact conference updates

Smithers Pira conference covers global developments in food contact regulations and materials; focus on NIAS testing, non-harmonized EU materials, regulatory changes in Asia