PFCs and early menopause

Environmental Health Perspectives reports on research into polyfluorinated chemicals (PFCs); PFC burden may be caused by early menopause rather than the other way around

Men’s journal advises against phthalates

Men’s Journal reports on increase in exposure to unrestricted phthalates, advises on how to avoid phthalate exposure

Chemical co-exposure increases cancer risk

Epoch Times reports on a study showing interactive toxic effect of arsenic and environmental estrogens, co-exposure increases cancer risks compared to single chemical exposure

Chemical burdens unbalanced

Majority of chemicals used without safety assessment; increased disease incidences

European project on mixture toxicity

European agency launches chemical mixture toxicity project; to focus on mode-of-action of combined chemical exposures

Banned phthalates replaced by worrisome alternatives

New study finds reduction of exposure to banned phthalate, increase in exposure to other phthalates

New FPF report: FACET exposure tool

FACET exposure tool models migrant exposure based on food consumption; tool lends itself to risk assessment; FPF discusses strengths and weaknesses

BPA linked to prostate cancer

New study investigates effects of BPA exposure on human prostate cells, links BPA to prostate cancer

Opinion: BPA – better safe than sorry

Washington Times article addresses safety of BPA; concludes that safety at environmental exposure levels remains doubtful

New book on reducing exposure to toxins

The Vancouver Sun publishes interview with authors of groundbreaking chemical exposure book, follow-up book advises on how to reduce toxic exposures