

December 2, 2021

Members of the high-level roundtable on implementation of the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) publishes joint report; provides ten recommendations to improve enforcement and compliance of chemicals legislation; calls for ‘whistle blower’ mechanism and support for consumer and health organizations
Reading time: 1 minute

July 15, 2021

Food Packaging Forum publishes third episode of video blog; discusses the presence of non-intentionally added substances in food packaging and the safety and circular economy challenges they pose; reviews the limited enforcement of known chemicals in marketed food packaging, challenges posed by biodegradable packaging, and the approach of prioritizing the most hazardous chemicals
Reading time: 1 minute

June 21, 2021

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes five-year review on the operation of REACH and CLP regulations; discusses impacts and shortcomings; 71 chemicals added to harmonized classification and labeling list; in 90% of cases, chemical’s general safety assessment is performed and communicated down the supply chain but half are incomplete; 33% of safety data sheets for mixtures not compliant, 17% incorrectly classified; 44% of chemicals needing authorization due to health risks are being phased out likely due to REACH
Reading time: 3 minutes

July 2, 2020

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announces large enforcement project to check for presence of select hazardous substances regulated under REACH and persistent organic pollutant legislation; communication along supply chain to be evaluated; results to be released in 2023
Reading time: 1 minute
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