
ECHA finds 1 in 4 imported products non-compliant

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) completes pilot enforcement project focused on restricted substances cadmium, lead, nickel; finds 23% of inspected products not compliant with EU chemicals regulations

In a press release published on September 24, 2020, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced the results of a pilot enforcement project, which found that 23% of inspected imported products in the EU were not compliant with current REACH and Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) regulations. Enforcement and customs authorities from 16 EU member states inspected close to 1,400 products and found that over 300 do not comply. The checks focused largely on the presence of the restricted substances cadmium, lead, and nickel in the articles. The agency reports that most of the non-compliant products were imported from China, the United Arab Emirates, India, Thailand, North Macedonia, and Madagascar.

The agency finds that “the results show that importers need to intensify their efforts to supply safe products which are compliant with REACH and CLP. They also show there is a continued need for targeted enforcement on these specific restrictions and more stringent enforcement of REACH and CLP at European points of entrance.”

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ECHA (September 24, 2020). “1 in 4 imported products found to be non-compliant with REACH and CLP.”

Luke Buxton (September 24, 2020). “Almost a quarter of EU imports non-compliant with REACH and CLP.” Chemical Watch

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