BPA: New window of susceptibility identified

Exposure during pregnancy affected mouse mothers’ glucose metabolism later in life

EC comments on EFSA’s communication of BPA risk assessment

DG SANTE informed CHEM Trust that communication on BPA risk assessment is EFSA’s responsibility, JRC works on EU regulation for non-plastic FCMs

BPA and ethinyl estradiol affect fertility in fish generations later

Study shows offspring of fish exposed to BPA and EE2 to have decreased fertility and increased embryo mortality three generations later

EDCs in paper and board food packaging

Danish researchers identify well-known and new EDCs in paper and board food packaging

Individual-level data published for BPA oral absorption study

New study provides urine and serum profiles of BPA in 10 volunteers who participated in Teeguarden et al. (2015) study

US: Bill to introduce BPA warnings on food packaging

US Senator Diane Feinstein introduces “BPA in Food Packaging Right to Know Act”

Chemical substitutions with no regrets

US scientists discuss how “regrettable substitutions” may be avoided, intentional chemical design needed

Systematic review of BPS and BPF

In-depth review by Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX) concludes that bisphenol S and bisphenol F are as hormonally active as bisphenol A

BPA and fetal malformations in humans

Italian researchers showed that mother’s reduced ability to metabolize BPA may be associated with fetal malformations

NAMPA questions study linking BPA with autism

North American Metal Packaging Association responds to study linking BPA with autism: “study was of poor design with no control over contamination”