NRDC: Most chemically ‘recycled’ plastics in the US are ultimately burned

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) evaluates eight chemical recycling facilities in the United States; reports that ‘recycled’ material produced by at least five facilities ultimately gets burned for heat or energy production; six facilities are potentially permitted to release hazardous air pollutants such as benzene, styrene, and arsenic; two US states ease restrictions on chemical recycling facilities

Experts on plastics’ effects urge binding treaty

Scientists with expertise on the effects of chemicals and pollution from plastics urge the United States to support a binding plastics treaty; promote Rwanda and Peru’s resolution as one considering the entire life cycle of plastics

Plans laid to review 60 years of research on plastics and human health

Minderoo Foundation researchers publish protocol for systematic review of human in vivo studies related to exposure from chemicals in plastics

EU citizens’ panel: 51 recommendations for climate change, environment, health

More than 40 representatives of the European public discuss concerns with EU institutions; panel on climate change and health adopts 51 recommendations for the EU; includes recommendation for ‘swift elimination of non-sustainable packaging’

2021 FPF Workshop: Tools to prioritize societal health

On the third day of the Food Packaging Forum’s annual workshop, speakers discuss the new Understanding Packaging Scorecard that helps improve packaging procurement decision making, how regulators assess food packaging in the lab and on the market, new projects investigating plastics, and how understanding game theory in group decision making can lead to societal benefits

FPF publishes five fact sheets on food packaging materials

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) releases new fact sheets on plastic, paper and board, metal, glass, and multimaterial food packaging; address material properties, applications, chemical migration, end-of-life, and recyclability

Nature Food study finds gaps in food system plastics research

Systematic scoping review assesses the research literature covering plastic’s effects on human health, the environment, and food security/economics through the entire food system from 2000 through 2018; includes over 3,300 studies; found majority of previous research focused on food security/economics; identified gaps related to studies on the effect of plastics on human health, meta-analyses, and research within low-income nations

Canada intends to approach PFAS as single class

Canadian government announces intention to consider per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as single class; will continue to support PFAS related research, collect information on how to implement approach, review implementation of other jurisdictions; plans to publish overview report in 2023; approach open for stakeholder feedback about challenges and opportunities

PFAS-Tox Database launched

Collaborative group of universities and NGOs publishes PFAS-Tox Database; publicly available resource provides systematic evidence map covering 742 toxicity studies on 29 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); features dozens of studies on ‘purportedly safer’ PFAS; findings show adverse health impacts studied for wide range of PFAS; experts call for class-based management of all PFAS

Study links phthalates and lower cognitive ability in infants

New research study investigates phthalate levels in urine from pregnant women and cognitive abilities of 159 infants, find associations between high levels of phthalate exposure and slower information processing, especially in boys; determines that associations can be found much earlier than previously thought