Phthalates in vinyl gloves

Study by NGO Ecology Center finds ortho-phthalates in vinyl gloves used to handle food, urges use of alternatives such as washed bare hands, polyethylene or nitrile gloves

Risk evaluation of RASFF notifications

EFSA proposes methodology for evaluating risks posed by food contaminants detected in RASFF, addresses toxicological properties and dietary exposure, develops Rapid Assessment of Contaminant Exposure (RACE) tool

FDA updating FCM risk assessment

ILSI North America holds first public food packaging conference; several FDA speakers shared updates from ongoing work in pre- and post-market FCM risk assessment

Canadian draft screening assessments

Two draft screening assessments by the Canadian government find no risk at current exposure levels for 24 substances, including 10 food contact chemicals

Assessment of EDC authorizations by ECHA

European Chemicals Agency to work on authorization applications for octylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates; both threshold and non-threshold assessment approaches can be considered

BEUC election manifesto

European Consumer Organization (BEUC) releases EU Parliament elections manifesto, highlights elimination of consumer exposure to harmful chemicals as one of the key priorities for the new legislative period

Call to invest in cancer prevention

Laura Vandenberg comments on the 2019 State of the Union address by President Trump, points out the need for research and prevention programs focused on the role of environmental exposures in cancer

Health risks of chemicals in consumer products

Review article concludes that peer-reviewed literature on chemicals and health tends to focus on already-known chemicals and lacks predictive power; authors call for more explorative research given the multitude of little-studied chemicals

Health effects of PFAS exposure

Epidemiologists examine possible associations between PFAS exposure and metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, fetal and child development

Book on EDC effects and costs

New book by Leonardo Trasande reviews human health effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals, provides recommendations for reducing exposures