
Feedback requested for EU’s ‘Beating Cancer Plan’

European Commission opens feedback period on its upcoming ‘Beating Cancer Plan,’ targets improving cancer prevention in the EU; exposure to chemicals seen as relevant environmental risk factor to be addressed

The European Commission has announced the launch of a public consultation to inform the development of its ‘Europe Beating Cancer Plan’ that is set to be released by the end of this year. The plan itself aims to “propose actions at every key stage of the disease” including prevention which could include measures “to reduce environmental risk factors such as pollution and exposure to chemicals.” Potential legal instruments that could be recommended as an outcome of the plan include considering “further legislative and soft measures to reduce exposure to carcinogenic substances in the workplace, in products and in the environment.”

The public consultation on the plan will be open until April 28, 2020, and a second consultation has also been launched on the Roadmap for the plan, which will be open until March 3, 2020.

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EC (February 4, 2020). “European Commission launches EU-wide public consultation on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.”

Chemical Watch (February 5, 2020). “EU plan to tackle cancer considers further chemical controls.”

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