
Commission publishes roadmap for circular economy action plan

European Commission publishes roadmap for circular economy action plan; aims to accelerate transition away from linear economy, include sustainable products policy; public feedback period open until January 20, 2020

On December 23, 2019, the European Commission (EC) announced the publication of a roadmap for its new Circular Economy Action Plan. A four-week public feedback period on the roadmap has been opened until January 20, 2020. The EC had committed to the adoption of such an action plan alongside a new industrial strategy within the recently announced Green Deal (FPF reported).

The action plan itself “will analyze the lifecycle of products and materials to ensure a sustainable use of resources and tackle resource-intensive sectors (e.g. textiles, construction, electronics and plastics).” It aims to speed up the transition away from a linear economy and “will include a sustainable products policy, to boost design, production and marketing of sustainable products.” It will further “support the modernization of certain waste laws” including “the need to increase the amount of waste treated domestically, developing high quality recycling installations, and tackling the export of waste.” Packaging is specifically mentioned in the roadmap in regard to plastics. The EC writes “in the case of plastics, actions will focus in particular on micro-plastics, requirements on packaging, and bio-based and biodegradable plastics.”

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EC (December 23, 2019). “Circular economy – new action plan to increase recycling and reuse of products in the EU.”

EC (December 23, 2019). “Roadmap: New circular economy action plan.” (pdf)

Jenny Eagle (January 10, 2020). “Instead of harmful alternatives’ companies need to ‘up’ their sustainability game.” Global Meat News

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