Phthalates may increase risk of miscarriage

New study finds association between exposure to phthalates (DEP, DiBP, DnBP) and risk of pregnancy loss

Symposium on low-dose chemical mixtures and cancer

Halifax Project symposium aims to develop hypothesis for contribution of low-dose chemical mixtures to development of cancer

BPA exposure and premature birth

New study finds little evidence of associations between BPA exposure during pregnancy and premature birth

Effect of phthalates on body fat

New study finds no associations between prenatal exposure to phthalates and percent body fat in childhood

PFOA in drinking water

New report by Environmental Working Group suggests that exposure to PFOA might not be safe at any level

PFAS in breast milk

Study shows that breast milk is major source of exposure to perfluorinated chemicals for infants; researchers express concern but do not discourage breastfeeding

BPA in air and surface water

New study finds high BPA concentrations in air and surface water near industrial sites; proposes new routes of exposure

Effects of BPA and phthalates on fetal growth

New study finds correlation between prenatal exposure to two phthalate metabolites and certain fetal growth parameters; overall little evidence of associations of BPA or phthalate exposure with fetal growth

BPA exposure and obesity

New study investigates in vivo and in vitro exposure to BPA; indicates link between BPA exposure and obesity in women

Webinar on endocrine disruptors

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units host endocrine disruptor webinar on July 22, 2015; new scientific studies on EDC exposure and reproductive and pediatric health will be discussed