EDCs and infertility in industrialized countries

Review paper identifies environmental factors such as exposure to EDCs as significant contributor to increase in male reproductive disorders and decreasing fertility

Update: Mineral oils in food

Foodwatch online petition calling for functional barriers in paper and board packaging in the EU counts nearly 50,000 signatures; food producers and supermarkets react to study results revealing contamination of certain dry food products with mineral oils

EDC resolution: Final text available

Meeting report of 4th International Conference on Chemicals Management now available online; final text of resolution on endocrine disrupting chemicals included

Opportunities for plastic FCM manufacturers

Plastic food contact industry meets to discuss plastics recycling, NIAS, risk assessment and chemicals of concern in FCMs

ECHA: Evaluation of BPA restriction finalized

ECHA’s Committee for Socio-economic Assessment considers benefits of restricting BPA in thermal paper unlikely to be higher than costs; ultimate decision to be taken by European Commission

Opinions: Toxic chemicals in everyday products

Article in New York Times outlines the issue of exposure to toxic chemicals from common products and the consequences for human health

EDCs and brain development

Collaborative on Health and the Environment hosts call on the effects of EDCs on brain sex differences on November 18, 2015

The war on science?

Investigative article in In These Times outlines how chemical industry influences and delays U.S. chemical regulation by informing with manipulated and misleading “science”

Focus on obesogens

Extensive article in The Scientist explains obesogens and why they are of concern

2nd Scientific Statement on EDCs released

Endocrine Society summarizes EDC research of the past six years and links EDC exposure to various health problems